Here is the trilogy to the Broken series! Sorry for the inconvience.that occured due to the that this deleted from my lists of works. Enjoy the first chapter!
—————————————Chapter One: Family Feud
Leo's POV
Skye- Who were you talking to on the phone?
"If I tell you, promise me you won't get mad."
Skye- I can't promise you that, but I wont zap out on you and try to kill you...
"Promise?" I said, with my lips pouted in such a way that no matter how hard I tried to make it ugly, I still looked sexy, according to Skye.
Skye- Yeah, babe, just tell me who it was...
The name tasted sour coming out of my mouth, and it was worse that I said it to Skye...
Skye- What the hell, Leo? Why'd
you call her? Huh?!? Did you ask her for a striptease? Were you gonna sleep with her?!?!?
Skye- Don't lie to me!
"I'm not lying to you!"
Skye- Then why call her, Leo? You know I don't like that skank! She tried to ruin our wedding day!
"Listen to me's not what you think!"
Skye- Just leave me the hell alone!
I didn't do anything to hurt you, and you repay me by cheating on me with your ex-girlfriend? Why do you insist on hurting me so much?
Skye's POV
His hand made brutal comtact with my face, leaving a stinging red mark. Then he said to me:
"Shut the hell up! I'm tired of hearing you accuse me of something I didn't do! You can't shut your damn mouth sometimes and listen to my side, for once, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"Leo! What's gotten into you?"
Leo- Are you blind, death, or both?
"Why are you being so mean to me?"
Leo- I can't take this anymore...the constant fighting and screaming! All because you think I'm cheating on you, especially with Olivia?!?!? How could you even think that?
"Umm..let's made out with her after you asked me out! And you kissed Megan, the school tramp..."
Emphasis on the word 'tramp'.
"You lost my trust, and after a while, I tried to let you back in. And every time I did, it was a stupid mistake I made, trusting you....
Leo's POV" was a stupid mistake I made, trusting you..."
Those cold, bitter words hurt coming from my own wife, but I guess I deserved it.
I knew the drill. Tonight, I'd be sleeping on the couch, no covers, no wife to hold...just me. Alone, downstairs...
Only one thing could persuade her to let me back in...
And just as I had expected, she was in the shower...time to use my last and only method of defense.
I removed my shorts and hopped into the shower with her, snaking my hands around her waist and trailing soft, wet kisses down her neck.
Immediately, she turned around and faced me, kissing me with so much lust and passion that I wanted more of her. As soon as she got out, her legs were wrapped around my torso as I lowered her onto the bed. In my attempt to try and pin her down to the bed, she pushed me onto the bed, with her now being on top, kissing me tenderly.
My manhood showed through my boxers, and Skye must've noticed it too. While my boxers were still on, she teased me by rubbing the area around it. Damn it! I couldnt stay.mad at her even if I tried. I wanted her, and I needed to have her now.
I spoke too soon; after what seemed like 3 hours of teasing me, she abruptly stopped, and told me to 'get the hell downstairs'.
Before I left, I whispered to her:
"Babe, you're such a tease"
She then seductively whispered back:
"I know, and you were lucky I didn't take full advantage of you, or kick you out of the house, whatever floats your boat..."
Damn, she's such a tease. I can't stand being away from her even if I'm only on the living room couch. I've had a hard-on all night just thinking about her. In the middle of the night, I hear the stairs creak. It's probably Michael sneaking.downstairs for a late-night snack.
But I was wrong......
It was Skye.
She approached me, and I had to say, she looked like a goddess. Wearing red lingerie, she bent down so we could see eye-to-eye. I sat up and she sat beside me so we could talk.
"Hey, babe."
Skye- Hi, Leo.
She called me Leo. She rarely uses it, especially when she is sad, or angry.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Skye- I think we should take a break from each other for a while...
"But why?"
Skye- We keep fighting and we never get anywhere. We don't listen to each other! We don't communicate!
"We can try to compromise and listen to what the other has to say."
Skye- It's not that easy!
"Nothing's ever easy to you!"
Skye- I didn't mean it like that! I just think that time apart would be best for us right now.
"Are you trying to say that you don't love me anymore? Is that it?!?"
Skye's POV
I've never seen him so angry before.
" don't love me anymore....?"
He started approaching me, lamp in hand. He threw it at me, but instead, it shattered after hitting the wall behind me.
"Leo!!! Baby!!!! Calm down!!! I'm sorry!"
Leo said with a frustrated voice:
"I hate you. I want you out of my life forever."

Romeo and Juliet(Trilogy to the Broken Series)
FanfictionThe "Broken" series is back with more drama than ever! When we last left off in the sequel (called Help Me), things finally seem to be looking up for Leo and Skye. They are married, they have a son together, and life is good. Nothing could possibly...