Leo's POV
I went home, and unlocked the door quietly so as not to wake up Olivia or Logan.
As soon as I walked past the living room, the lights came on, and Liv was sitting in one of the chairs.
Liv- Where have you been?!?
"I, I..."
Liv- I was waiting for you all day and you never showed up, so one of the moms there had to give me ride home! So where were you?
"I....I was hanging out with Alex and Dylan."
Liv- Oh really? That's odd, because when I called them, they said you weren't with them and that they haven't heard from you at all today.
Liv- Tell me the truth!
"Alright! I was at Skye's house!"
Liv- And what exactly were you doing over there?
"Well, before I divorced her, she was already pregnant, and now that she's had the baby, she wanted me to come see our daughter, Ashlyn. She wanted Ashlyn to meet her daddy."
Liv- Alright Leo. I believe you this time. And I understand that you'll probably have to go visit her every weekend or so. Just remember that you and I are still married, and that we have a son together. I don't want you having any second thoughts....
"Alright babe." I said, giving her a small peck on the cheek before we both laid down.
Mystery POV
Mateo- (picks up phone) Hello?
?- Hey what's up?
Mateo- Nothing. So how do you think I did?
?- Did what?
Mateo- The way I went about executing my part of the plan?
?- What plan?.....Oh, that one....
Mateo- So how's your end going?
?- Well, Leo came over and almost ruined the plan, trying to get Skye back.
Mateo- What did he do?
?- I saw them making out on the couch when I looked through the window.
Mateo- Is she still in love with him?
?- From the looks of it, no. Leo's out of the picture.
Mateo- Good. Our plan is going perfectly.......I'll call you tomorrow to let you know what you're gonna do.
?- (to Mateo) Alright. (to self) Something about this just doesn't feel right...
(A/N): Months passed, and Skye and Austin's wedding day finally came. The setting is the wedding ceremony. Leo is in the audience and Skye is starting to walk down the aisle. They begin to recite their vows and place their rings on each other's finger. (Rewind to when Skye is finished putting her wedding dress on.)
Leo's POV
Ugghhhh! Skye's getting married today....and I am not lovin it. I really don't want her going to Austin.
He'll just use her. He doesn't care about Ashlyn and Skye like I do. He doesn't love them the way I do. I can't let her go through with this, I just can't....
Skye's POV
Skye's Mom- Oh my gosh hun, I can't believe you're getting married...(mumbles) again.
"What did you just say?"
Mom- Nothing sweetie.
"Mom what did you say?!?"
Mom- I'm just trying to figure out why you'd wanna get married again. Are you sure you're making the right decision?
"Of course I am, mom! Do you have a problem with me marrying Austin?
Mom- Not at all. It's just that you could've at least met someone who was just like _______.......
"Who? Leo????"
Mom- Yes sweetie. Even though I never really liked him, he's made you the happiest I've ever seen since your father died. And no matter what he did to hurt you, he still cared about you, and fought for you. Honey, what you did to him was really low, I mean how could you sleep with another man while you two were married?
"So now you're taking his side?!?!? He cheated on me plenty of times before we even got married!"
Mom- Yes hun, I know that. But that was before you got married.
"So that makes it ok, mom? So that makes it ok to cheat in a relationship where you and your partner aren't married yet?"
Mom- No Skye, that's not what I'm saying!!!
"That's exactly what you're saying!!!"
Mom- I'm not! I'm just saying that you and Leo were soulmates. You guys were meant to be together. And all that stuff you guys went through with you're marriage is normal. Leo decided to end it after one little mistake you made, and he lost out on spending the rest of his life with my very beautiful daughter. I love you honey, and I just want you to be sure you're making the right decision about this.
"Thanks mom. It actually means a lot."
Mom- No problem, sweetie.
Leo- There you are!
Mom- Leo???
Gahhh I miss writing for you guys!!! I will be writing more often sometime in April and I will get to updating Leo Howard imagines ASAP. I just have a lot on my plate so please be patient. Thanks!
Romeo and Juliet(Trilogy to the Broken Series)
FanfictionThe "Broken" series is back with more drama than ever! When we last left off in the sequel (called Help Me), things finally seem to be looking up for Leo and Skye. They are married, they have a son together, and life is good. Nothing could possibly...