Juliana's POV
Instantly, Leo grabs me, wrapping his arm around my neck, holding me at gunpoint. I panic, but I try not to scream, in fear that he may kill me, or worse, his own wife. He took me to a room and started telling me how Michael and Skye were taking me to London, where I'll be living with them. It turns out, my mom has already given Skye custody of me, but doesn't know it. If I said anything to Skye about this, he threatened to find me and kill me.
"I won't say anything! I promise!"
Leo- Ok, I'll let you go...for now.
I ran downstairs and the cops were here. So was the ambulance.
Police- Lure him down here!
"But he'll hurt me!"
Police- Don't worry, we wont let anything happen to you.
The best way to get him down here is to pretend I'm telling Skye what he never would tell her.
"Skye! Leo said----"
Soon shots were being fired and one of the policemen quickly got me out of the way so I wouldn't get shot in the middle of the crossfire. They took me to the hospital to meet up with Skye and my boyfriend, Michael.
Skye- Are you sure that you wanna go in?
"I'm sure..."
I finally entered the room and god, he looked terrible. His head was wrapped in gauze. And his face looked lifeless, he looked dead.
The doctor came in to check up on him.
"Will he be ok?"
Doctor- We ran some tests on him and we found out from the results that he is in a coma. Who knows how long it would be before he wakes up, if he wakes up...
"What do you mean, 'if'?"
Dr- He has been shot in the head and suffered massive bleeding from his brain. If he does survive, it may be a while before he recovers.
"Thank you, doctor."
I wish Michael could wake up right now, so he could hear what I wanna say to him:
"I miss you....I need you.....and I love you..."
Leo's POV
I wake up to find that I'm in a jail cell. What the hell happened and why am I in here? I don't remember anything from last night. What did I do to get in here?
Guard- You have a visitor.
Leo- I hope it's Skye. I need her to help me figure out exactly what happened.
Mystery POV
?- I saw Leo walk up to the window and I had to say, he looked good in prison orange.
Leo- What the hell?!?!? What are you doing here?
?- To see you, and to tell you----
Leo- Why I'm in here?
?- Yeah. I slipped drugs into your drink to make you go insane and lash out on anyone you came in contact with.
Leo- You sick bitch! Why would you do that?!?
?- You should be smart enough to figure that out on your own...
Leo- That's it! You did it so I could ruin the best thing I ever had, and actually family with the woman and child I love! And all because of your jealousy. Why can't you just leave us alone?
?- Because I love you...
Leo- So you're gonna get me locked up in here? That's love?!?
?- No, I just didn't wanna be responsible for the whole thing.
Leo- You're just mad because when we went to get a DNA test, and the test results came back, you found out I wasn't the father!
?- That's only part of the reason...
Leo- What exactly did I do last night?
?- You shot Michael in the head and almost killed Michael and Juliana.
Leo- Wait, what?!? Is he ok?
?- He's fine...sorry to say...
Leo- What do you mean?
? - I wanted him dead! If he were dead, you could come and be a part of her life, and mine...
Leo- Never!
?- Ok...
Skye's POV
Juliana stayed at the hospital while I went to the prison to see Leo.
The guard finally let me in, and I sat down in front of the window where Leo was.
Leo- Skye, before you say anything, I--!
"----Save it, Leo! How could you do this to me?!? How could you do this to Michael?!? How could you do this to us?!?"
Leo- Babe, let me explain!
"There's nothing to explain! You almost killed my son!"
Leo- Wait? He's still alive?
"Must be painful to hear that your son isn't dead, huh?"
Leo- No! What are you talking about? And your son ? He's our son!
"You shot him in the head!"
Leo- I did?!?
"Don't play dumb with me Leo!"
Leo- I'm not! And to be honest, I have no idea what happened last night. Olivia slipped drugs in my drink and it made me go crazy on you guys. I didn't mean for any of this to happen!
"Leo, I know that you don't love me or Michael but you didn't have to do that to us! And you're going so far as to blame your ex? We both know that even Olivia wouldn't stoop that low."
Guard- Mr. Howard, your time is up. Get back to your cell.
Leo- Skye, Wait!
"I'm sorry Leo, but I just don't believe you. Have fun in jail..."
Leo- Nooooooo!
Hey guys, I hope this chapter was long enough for you! I know everything looks bad now but things will get better later on, you'll see!
So, you guys just found out who was responsible for all of this. So I have a question for you guys: Do you think Skye will believe Leo?
Find out in later updates!
Lots of love!

Romeo and Juliet(Trilogy to the Broken Series)
FanficThe "Broken" series is back with more drama than ever! When we last left off in the sequel (called Help Me), things finally seem to be looking up for Leo and Skye. They are married, they have a son together, and life is good. Nothing could possibly...