Leo's POV
Suddenly, the crack of human flesh and bones, along with the deafening shrieks from the people below filled the air.
I knew something was terribly wrong and immediately looked down as I poked my head out of the window.
Liv ran off, with Austin following close behind and tackling her to the ground.
I quuckly glanced at Skye's lifeless, bloody corpse on the concrete. I couldn't bear to look anymore because I didn't want Ashlyn to see me cry.
"Ashlyn, go get the phone for Daddy please and call 911!"
"911" She faintly repeated, and ran straight to the other room to find the phone.
I rushed downstairs in a hurry so I could get to Skye. I lifted her from the ground and carried her to the living room, placing her on the couch.
I put my hand on her chest and saw that she was still breathing, but unconscious. If only she could wake up. For 10 minutes, I never left her side, until the ambulance arrived. They medics told me to step aside while they loaded her into the back of the ambulance, and drove off.
Meanwhile the police arrested Liv and Mateo, and I drove Ashlyn, Logan, and Austin to the hospital with me.
Finally we arrived and Austin took the kids with him to the waiting room, while I talked to the receptionist at the front desk.
"I'm here for Skye Howar- .....Richardson." I almost forgot she didn't have my last name when we divorced 5 years ago.
Receptionist - What is your relation to the patient?
"Ex- Husband"
Receptionist - Ok, hold on, give me a second, sir.....ok Skye Richardson...ahaha! Here we go, she's in room 213.
"Thank you, m'am. Come on guys!"
Austin's POV
"I guess that's our cue to leave guys! Come on!"
As we were walking down the hallway, we got into the elevator.
Logan and Ashlyn played while I pulled Leo to the side to talk to him.
"Hey Leo. I just want to tell you that everything will be ok. Whether Skye will die or not, we ---"
Leo - Don't say that! *sobs* She still might have a chance....
"Look man, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there's a very slim chance that she'll make it....I'm not helping, am I?"
Leo - What do you think?!?!?
"Sorry dude."
After we got off the elevator and walked down the hallway. I sat on a bench with the kids while Leo entered the room.
Leo - (to Ashlyn) Hey, daddy's gonna go see mommy, ok? Stay here with Austin...
Ashlyn - But I wanna see mommy, too.
Leo - And you will...not now though, sweetie.
Ashlyn - But I wanna tell her about my dance recital next week...
Leo - It can wait honey, I'll tell her for you...
Ashlyn -No! I wanna go by myself!!!!

Romeo and Juliet(Trilogy to the Broken Series)
FanfictionThe "Broken" series is back with more drama than ever! When we last left off in the sequel (called Help Me), things finally seem to be looking up for Leo and Skye. They are married, they have a son together, and life is good. Nothing could possibly...