Chapter 4} Wheres Lucy?

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Hello Minna~San! I really have not much to say. At all except for this one random thing: NaLi is opposite of ßæ and NaLu is cannon, that's all. And sorry this is a little shorter then the others!




A lump under the pink covers of Lucy's sheets start to move.

What shoots up is the loveable pink headed mage who's expecting Lucy to yell at him and possibly preform a Lucy kick.

But no one is there to usually scowl at him. And it wasn't like Lucy to leave for the Guild without him.

Happy flies through the open window--panic and fear in his eyes.

"Natsu-nee Lushee's missing." Happy says lowering his voice while he lands on the pyro's lap.

"She's not at the Guild?" The dense Natsu replies as he takes a look all around her house.

His eyes land on a piece of parchment laying at her desk. He was sure it wasn't there before he drifted off to sleep.

"Happy did you see this..?" Natsu says waving the paper in the air. Happy just shakes his head.

Well I guess I'll read it.

Natsu was over the moon hoping it wasn't a goodbye letter written by Lucy.

"Dear, Natsu I know when you awake you'll read this. Tell the Guild I'll be absent for a day or less I have some important errands to complete so please don't worry about me!

~Love Lucy."

Errands? Since when does Luce have unfinished errands?

Natsu is a little disappointed he thought he could tag along. But it didn't mention where she was.

"Happy, let's visit the Guild and inform them of what Lucy is doing."

"Aye sir!" And with that they both fly out the window. (Well Natsu just jumps out.)

(^∇^)Another point of view jump cut! (^∇^)

And here I am. Standing in front of my old home, the huge Heartfilia estate mansion.

And Lucy could tell her father was awaiting her presence after those warnings to hurt her friends.

Just then all the Hearfilia servants start spilling out the doors chanting her name and crying tears of joy.

"Spetto~San!" Lucy exclaims while hugging one of her loved maids.

"Oh Lucy, your all grown up! Where have you been?" Spetto~San questions her as the others calm down and get back to their duties.

"I've joined a nice Guild and I'm here to have a few words with father." Lucy answers sternly looking ahead at the argument that's soon to come with her despised dad.

"Oh well follow me miss Lucy I'll escort you to Jude, who's currently busy in his office."

No surprise there...

Lucy excuses Spetto~San and knocks on her fathers study.

No answer.

Knock again.

No answer. Lucy gets inpatient and barges in.

Jude is seen facing the window his back towards Lucy.

"I've been expecting you."

Lucy rolls her eyes in disgust as he continues.

"Here to apologize and marry the guy to save my fortune?" Jude's head turn slightly to face Lucy awaiting her answer.

The room goes silent.

Lucy curses herself in her mind. What choice did she have.

"I'm not willing to, but if it will save my friends...yes father." She hangs her head low in shame. Agreeing to marry someone she does not love.

"Incase you try to escape again, I'll lock you up till the wedding."

Lucy's taken back. Now she definitely didn't want to agree to this.

"Are you crazy?!" She takes a step back.

"No Lucy I'm serious." He booms.

Natsu please save me....

(=ω) Back to Natsu and the others (=ω)

Natsu slams his fist on the table, his team mates sitting at the table she just slammed his fist on.

"What if she gets hurt? That idiot." Natsu growls.

"Why didn't Lushee even tell us where she's going?" Happy asks rhetorically, worried.

"She's lying, obviously she's keeping something from us."

Erza speaks up. "We have bigger problems, the man who ruined the Guid, what about him?"

Natsu shakes his head. "I don't care about him, unless he touches Lucy."

Mirajane's in the background cleaning dishes with Kananna until she heard Natsu's remark.

NaLu babies!! She half squeals half whispers to herself.

Where is Lucy?

(*^_^*)Back to Lucy again!!(*^_^*)

After Lucy's and Jude's father daughter argument he ordered a servant to escort Lucy, not to her room but to an actual prison cell. A prison cell.

What the hell.

Lucy saw some changes in her father. More selfish, greedy and a lot more demanding.

Unfortunately Lucy wrote the letter so the Guild knew what she was up to but the wedding was planned to begin in two days!

And surely no one would've noticed Lucy's odd disappearance by then.

Her only hope was Natsu. After all he was always overprotective.

Where's that dense idiot when you need him?

She just stares out the only rusty cell window the rest of the day.

If I was saved, it wouldn't matter. They'd hate me.

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