Chapter 13} Lilac Cove

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By the time Freed, Panther Lilly, Levy and Lucy reach the modernized town it's already evening and Fairy Tail could've easily gotten worried.

"Looks like we're staying another night." Levy sighs.

This town was bigger--more fresh and definitely not cheap.

"How 'bout we split up and in half an our we meet here, at the main fountain and share our information of where any hotels are." Lucy suggests.

"Seems like a great idea, in that case I'll go south with Wendy." Panther Lilly replies already heading on their way.

"I'll take east." Freed comments.

"I'll take north!" Levy smiles.

"That leaves me with west!"

And the the rest joined Panther Lilly and Wendy on the search for a place to stay. (The town was three times bigger then Magnolia so...)

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

I start running east eager to find a good place right off the bat.

The only thing I could find were too expensive hotels and good quality restaurants. Speaking of restaurants I might as well look at those for a meal later.

I abandon the task at hand and take a look at finery at its best.

I would know since I'm a master chef.

I thought it would be quicker if I could as some townsfolk passing by.

I notice a young business man wondering the streets so I decide to ask him.

I tap his shoulder lightly as I catch up.

"E-Excuse me sir do you know where I could find a nice place to eat that isn't too expensive?" I politely ask waiting for a response.

"Uh, yeah there's a good one on Rocky Avenue called "Lilacs Delicacies that serves anything at a low price." He replies.

"Thank you, your very kind." I say showing my respect and heading towards the avenue.

Luckily they have maps on every street since this is basically a tourist area.

Finally I reach the desired shop and look below the restaurants name sign and see it was a four and a half rated place which was good enough.

Time to head to the fountain.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Panther Lilly's on my back flying giving be a birds eye view of the area.

"Do you see anything?" He asks me.

I nod my head. Surprisingly I spotted a small hotel that from my view looked cheap enough.

"Great job Wendy, now let's head back to the fountain."

"Aye!" I reply imitating Happy in a way.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

I have no time to think about crappy hotels.. All I can think about are the books!

In a new and edgy place like this there must me at least one good bookstore.

"Hehe, there's one." I giggle as I spot a building with a book symbol on it.

Wonder if there's anything on creatures that may be among us here...

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

I'm focused on finding a hotel.

I'm focused on finding a hotel.

Screw it! I'm tired and hungry!

"Now I know how Natsu and Happy feel all the time.." I mumble to myself heading back to the meeting point after two minuets of searching...'cause hey a girl can't do anything on an empty stomach.

As I approach the meeting area I see no one. Well that's obviously 'cause I gave up way to quickly.

I sit my self down on a near by bench and watch people pass by.

I see a guy with pink hair a little darker then Natsu's embrace a girl with blonde hair like a lighter version of mine. They  looked so in love--so alive.

We could've been that.

An hour later everyone starts showing up.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Lu~Chan! Did you find anything?" The shirt girl with blue hair asks me.

I shake my head. "Sadly no.."

"What did you find Levy?" Freed asks the solid script mage .

"A bookstore or too.." Levy almost laughs. So typical.

Freed sighs. "I found a nice restaurant eat at within our budget, unfortunately no hotel." Freed says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Luckily for all of you me and Wendy easily found a nice place to stay, for now we should eat." Panther Lilly informs us.

"FOOD!" I scream. I needed so badly.

Everyone laughs at my sudden outburst and I do to as Freed leads us to Lilac delicacies.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

The entire group was eating on the outside porch of the restaurant enjoying a shared meal of Nachos with cheese and salsa along with some Tacos. (This place had everything)

The five have gotten closer the past day and a half and we're happy to be family at the time. No evil disturbing them...for now. (Jk...or not)

"We better head to the hotel before it gets too late!" Levy says after laughing along with the others about Freeds jokes.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

We all nod in agreement leaving a check on the table and heading off to the in budget hotel.

It was a tall one that's for sure. And below every clear glass window was a bright Lilac plant to symbolize the town. It was so cozy and yet to elegant, no wonder so many people visit this place.

Once again we were appointed to our assigned rooms and quickly settled in for a goodnights sleep.

But ever since Hibiki took me I always wish Natsu a goodnight even though I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me.

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