Chapter 10} Family Dinner with the villian.

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Hello Minna~San! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I was just thinking of creative ideas and the other reason was procrastination. I do hope you enjoy reading this part because I enjoyed writing it over the past couple days :)


"Okay, Cana do your magic and form a team to save Lucy!" Natsu enthuses while the entire Guild is gathered up--despair in the air after Lucy's been forcefully taken.

"Umm, ok *hic*" After Cana's answer she pulls out four cards.

"Freed, Pantherlilly, Levy and Wendy."

"What a random team." Erza comments.

"Well good-" Cana was about to wish them farewell till the dense pyro interrupted.

"Oi, why didn't your stupid cards pick me to save Lucy?!"

"Ya saying you loooove her?" Happy teases and Cana follows.

"Yeah, her fiancé~" Cana giggles with the rest.

"Shudahp! It was a lie to save Lucy earlier!" Natsu argues his face turning red as he goes on a rampage.

"Suuure!" Mira chimes in holding in her excitement. (I mean more then half the Guild was already signed up for NaLu club!)

Cana continues her sentence. "Well good luck Freed, Panther Lilly, Levy and Wendy you head out stat!"

By this time it was almost sunset and they intend to bring Lucy back by morning.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

When Lucy and Hibiki arrived at the Lates mansion she was locked it a guest room awaiting orders from him.

Currently she sits on the bed playing with their fingers, she was bored and lonely.

Suddenly a creak of the door breaks her thoughts of despair.

"I have some news." Hibiki purrs sitting down next to her and trying to get comfy.

The blonde mage scoots farther away from him. "Lemme guess, get married right here right now so you'll get a fortune..?"

He shakes his head. "Not yet me dear although I can see why your eager, tonight your coming to a family dinner of mine so I can introduce you as my sexy fiancé." He traced his finger around her waist teasing her.

"Stop." She says bluntly but to no avail he continues with the action. Until she grabs his lingering hand and digs her nails deep into his flesh causing him to bleed and stop.

"Stupid Bitch!" He curses as he exits and slams the door.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

The odd made up team set out to find their lost friend. To their luck the cards picked one of three dragon slayers giving them the advantage to sniff her out.

Again they were luck enough to find out that Lucy wasn't far and was a few towns away near a country type setting also known as Orchard fields.

Only problem was how they were going to get there in time. The team only has one exceed and that was Panther Lilly, Freed could use his incantations and so could the end it was perfect.

Levy and Freed would use their magic spells while Wendy rode with Panther Lilly!

"Are we ready?" Freed asks as they get prepared to take flight. The rest of the team nods and make their way west towards the field.

It was no duh Lucy would be kept in a mansion after all they figured Hibiki was rich plus the fact Levy as always did research and found out the rich Lates family's home was located in Orchards field.

"There! It's over there!" Levy exclaims as she points to a pearl white mansion covering a quarter of Orchards field.

Wendy insists they hurry up. "What are we waiting for?"

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

"Get ready!" Hibiki demands as he throws an elegant royal blue ruffled dress on the plain bed.

Lucy just slowly nods as hired maids walk in to assure him she doesn't escape some how.

Twenty or so minuets Lucy was done getting ready with her hair up and everything.

"Let's go meet your soon to be family~" He purrs as they make their way towards the main hall where the huge dining table is set.

There sits a bunch of the Lates family members not including Itchya (Can't spell.) who was a friend of Hibiki and surprisingly a friend to Lucy as well.

"I'll sit next to my fiancé." He informs the group roughly sitting next to Lucy holding a metal gun to her back so no one could see.

"I never knew you fell in love with Hibiki, I always thought it'd be that pink headed guy Natsu!" Itchya says without saying "men" or "perfuuume" for once which is a record.

Lucy can't do anything but slowly nod.

"What a quiet one, eh?" A dirty blonde with short boy hair and red glasses laughs presumed to be Hibiki's cocky mother.

The rest laugh at the statement while Lucy forces a small giggle.

"So how'd you two lovebirds meet?" The mother leans in.

"Ur...umm." Lucy stutters but is saved by a waiter.

"First course, small salad and loafs of bread." Waiter 1 announces as four others set up the food on the plates.

"We met at a café, a fancy one at that we eventually became good friends then Jude forced us to marry! It was quite funny considering we were already in love!" Hibiki rushes out creating the believable lie.

Lucy just nods in agreement after all there's nothing she can do if she's held at gun point.

"What a nice story!" A brunette with a goatee says also known as Hibiki's father,

"I can already tell by her perfuuume she's a keeper!" Itchya adds.

"Why don't you two kiss?" Hibiki's mothers asks. Right now she's the problem. This was Lucy's fist kiss and she wasn't gonna let it be stolen by a lunatic.

"We'd love to." Hibiki replies taking a sip of some red wine.

Lucy now was really nervous, what was she to do?

The big window next to the dining table suddenly breaks revealing four characters.

"We're here to take Lu~Chan back!"

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