Chapter 6} Under the Sakura Tree.

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Hello Minna~San! This is a little side chapter; a sense of what's happening at the Guild while NaLu is happening :3

I'm on a roll!


*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*



"You know how odd it is to have another Sakura tree annual picnic without Lucy...again not to mention Natsu." Erza says taking a bite of her cake as the entire Guild is gathered under the tree. The birds chirping and the warm weather rushing in.

"I'm not complaining! Less competition to win the bingo this year!" Levy says pumped, Jet and Droy cheering her on.

The scarlet haired mage just rolls her eyes. "C'mon the prize last year was lame, not to mention pointless."

Gray, who sits next to Erza adds to her statement.

"I mean, who thought of that prize?! It's stupid."

The next thing you know is crying and Gray tries to comfort her.

"Crap! I did it again, again!"

The entire Guild laughs at Gray except for Gray and Mira.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

"Hey Gajeel!" The little blunette waves at the metal Dragon Slayer who is currently in a grumpy mood.

"Hey Shrimp..." Gajeel avoids eye contact.

"You seen out of it today." Levy observes taking a seat next to him on an open blanket.

"Is it that obvious?" Gajeel replies bluntly.

Levy leans in closer. "Aw, tell me why!" Levy begs using puppy dog eyes.

He sighs and turns his back as he explains. "I just had this odd dream where I was a metal Pokemon summoned by Natsu to destroy a metal gate."

Levy try's to keep it in. But she could burst out laughing any second.

"That's a crazy dream!" Levy giggles.

"It felt so real..." Gajeel mutters under his breath, the remark unnoticed by Levy.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Mira recovers from Grays....unfortunate comment & steps up on a podium set up at the front of the picnic sight.

"Welcome proud Fairy Tail members, welcome to the picnic, I'm the bingo host, I'll call the first numbers now!"

Everyone starts cheering and getting ready, some wishing each other good luck or going all out and giving people death stares.

Mira hand reaches for a random number placed in a glass jar.

Mira slowly picks it up and holds it up.

"C2!" People check there bingo cards.

"I repeat C2!"

Some are disappointed and some psyched.

"Aww man I didn't get a number, first try." Levy whines.

"Its ok shrimp." Surprisingly Gajeel pats Levys back and her face turns one thousand shades at once.

"A7!" "I repeat A7!"

"Nothing.." Levy mumbles under her breath. She takes a peek at Gajeel's card and he has one, which was good enough.

Erza violently pokes Gray repeatedly until he turned his head to her agitated.

Erza's basically a child when Gray takes a look at her. She's bouncing on the blanket waving her card.

"I already got two! Two!" Erza continues bouncing with the happiest face.

A literal Happy face. Neko. Neko. ( ^ω^ )

I'm joking.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

After a couple calls of random bingo numbers someone finally two people call it.

"BINGO!!!" Gray and Gajeel both shout at the same time.

"NO IM THE WINNER!" They say in unison.

"It's okay, boys we have enough prizes for both of you." Mira reassures them handing out two separate prizes.

One more equally disturbing then the other.

"The one that Gray received is something found by Juvia and the one Gajeel got was recovered from Cana's team!" Mira says.

Found it, eh?

"Juvia, you can have this." Gray tossed the prize into Juvia's lap.

"Oh, thank you Gray~Sama Juvia will cherish it forever!" Juvia squeezes the Gray plushie closer to her chest.

Yep you read it. A Gray plushie Juvia found.

Gajeel just grunts and sticks out his prize in front of Levy.

"THATS MANLY!" Elfman shouts glancing at Gajeel giving away his prize.

It was a one of a kind book found a long time ago. And we all know Levy is a huge bookworm.

"What's this for?" Levy asks her face flushed.

"Try using it as a pillow it does wonders." Gajeel replies sighing at her denseness.

"T-THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT, BAKA!" She continues calmer.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

Gajeel looks away hiding a hint of blush.

"I don't need it, and your closest."

Levy catches a bit of his face as he as he says this.

Holy Mavis is Gajeel blushing?!

This makes Levy blushes more.

"Arigato." Levy says accepting the book.

If only Lu~Chan were here to see this~

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Nearing evening the entire Guild was satisfied with their annual picnic.

But now it was their favourite part; When the Sakura trees light up. Fairy Tail is lucky the middle one is still alive considering Natsu and Happy dug it up and let it drift across a canal. Just for Lucy.

"I *hic* brought booze for this occasion! Just a weeny bit!"

Cana takes out two whole barrels.

"How are you not dead?!" Maoco and Wakaba both stare at the beer in awe as she brings gulping away.

Gildarts sits crossed legged arms crossed a few steps away from Cana. "I failed my duties as a father..."

"Quiet Brats! The Sakura tree is lighting up!"

Everyone stops to see the tree rainbow pedals landing randomly everywhere.

It really was a beautiful sight.

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