Chapter 12} Dandelion hills.

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Hello Minna~San! Thank you for keeping a lookout for updates and the development of this book. Therefore I update this chapter, and in my opinion it's a little short but hey, at least I update frequently!



The five arrive at Dandelion hills frantically searching for a cheap motel to stay in for a night until they head to Lilac cove.

The town was a small one, definitely not like Crocus--fancy and elegant this town was more cottage like and was surrounded by farms.

Once they first entered right off the bat they spotted a town hall, grocery store and all shops for any public uses including a dirt cheap hotel.

"Oooh~ a book store!" Levy drools as she catches the book store two buildings away.

"Don't get side tracked Levy we need to turn in for the night before night fall." Freed reminds the blunette as he literally drags her inside the hotel lobby.

"Two connected rooms, three beds." Lucy says to the attendant who gladly hands over the room number keys.

Floor 3 no.24

"Thank you for visiting Dandelion Hills, come again!" The attendant gives a toothy grin as the five go up to get settled in.

One half of the room was to the girls side and the other the boys. Each had separate beds so it wouldn't be uncomfortable too.

"Goodnight Minna," Lucy whispers under her breath as the darkness takes over.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Back at the Guild Natsu and Happy take a stroll during the evening and wind up staying at Lucy's for the night till she returns.

Natsu as usual jumps through the window and makes himself comfy in her bed. He felt so bad for losing that one battle.

I miss you Luce...

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

"Morning Lu!" I hear a familiar voice giggle in delight.

I groan in annoyance as I realize it's morning and it's time to wake up.

My eyes finally adjust to the bright morning sun and I get up to come face to face with my best friend/my alarm clock; Levy.

"I was thinking we could wake up earlier to go to the local books store!" Levy exclaims jumping up and down at the end of the bed.

"Remember we have a mission Levy!"

We turn to see Panther Lilly and Freed in the room--Wendy just waking up like me.

After checking out of the hotel we ask some locals to tell us the way to Lilac cove.

"O-Over there n-near that forest!" A frail and old man answers pointing towards the said forest.

"Thank you kind sir." Freed says walking in that direction.

But Levy is walking in the other direction...towards the bookstore.

"Levy..." Panther Lilly sighs as she tries to quickly explain.

"But we need to know more about the history of this wonderful place, so we need books!" Levy rushes out stubborn as a mule.

"We don't need any info Levy~San we're leaving this place now." Wendy adds and finally Levy joins the others in defeat.

"You'll let me read some of your books, right Lu~Chan?" Levy pouts.

I nod and give her a one sided hug as we approach the forest.

Fifteen minutes later of aimlessly walking to exit the woods or forest growls and snarls are heard.

But of course there not human noises at all.

What could that-

"Aaaaah!" I shriek as a lion jumps on me the impact making me lose ground.

"LUCY!" They all yell in unison.

"Do worry I got this.." I manage to say since the beast is currently blocking the thingy I really need to get air from.

"Open, gate of the Bull; Tarsus!" I chant while pulling out the right key and to my avail the perverted cow appears.

"Mooring Lucy, what do you need help with?" He moons hearts in his eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" I say as I try to gesture towards the lion who's scratchings really hurt.

"Moooo!" He battle cries as his signature axe slices the lion in half.

I quickly brush off some dirt on myself and shoot up.

"See, this is the reason there are books in the world!" Levy defends as she fights one off with script magic.

There appears to be about ten of them surrounding four of us, if we survive we'd be lucky.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Levy currently takes on two after defeating one.
"Solid Script: Fire!" She chants and the two lions are hit with fire leaving them dead.

The lions were easy to kill, only one hot max could take a couple out.

"Sky dragon: roar!" Wendy chants sending 4 lions to thump into a tree killing them instantly.

Panther Lilly transforms to his human state and starts slicing them with his huge sword.

Not long after all ten lions are down and the five are ready to continue.

The only damage really done was a few scratches and bruises on Lucy since the surprise attack.

"DandeLIONS?" Freed says trying to make a joke which no one laughed at.

"Ya know we could've found out of we visited the bookstore!" Levy yells at him.

"Eh, whatever let's just continue..." Freed says dropping the whole argument and soon Levy does too.

After that fiasco the rest of the walk was quiet and peaceful and soon enough the group found their way out and were only a half hour away from their next destination.

Lilac Cove.

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