Chapter 6

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Julie didn't want to look back, in fear of seeing who it is. She tried to walk out of the person's grip, until she heard a voice say ," Wait, Julie, where are you going?"

She turned around to see Christen, flashing her irresistible smile.

"I was just about to go sit down for dinner with Becky, Hope, and Carli," Julie replied, pointing to the table.

"Why would you want to do that when we can hang out?" Christen inquired.

"Um, because Becky is my girlfriend, and um, you're not?" Julie said, confused, eager to get back to her friends.

"Not for long, JJ," Christen said, released Julie, and walked out.

Julie went to her table and sat down next to Becky and across from Carli.

"Where were you?" Becky asked her, placing her hand on Julie's thigh.

"I'll tell you when we get home, I'm not sure how you'll react," Julie answered.

"Ugh. I'm pretty sure I already know who it is," Becky scowled.

Hope, who overheard their conversation, turned away from Carli. "What's going on?"

Before Julie could answer, Becky decided to tell the entire story.

"Christen won't leave Julie alone. She came to our house yesterday and started flirting with her. Then, literally 20 minutes after she left, she texted Julie. And, 5 minutes ago, she showed up here and tried flirting with Julie. AGAIN. It's getting really annoying, and if she doesn't stop, it's not going to be good," Becky told Hope, and by this time, Carli had tuned into the conversation.

"Well, I think it's best for Julie to talk to her, because she's the 'victim', because if you talk to her, Christen's just going to tell you you're jealous that Julie 'likes her more than she likes you'," Hope advised Becky, searching through the menu for something good to eat.

10 minutes later, when the waiter came over, they were all ready to order.

Once they had ordered, they got back to their conversation.

"Isn't Christen dating that girl, ah what's her name, Carina?" Carli chimed in.

"Yeah, and I'm not sure if I should tell Carina or not," Julie said.

"Well maybe it'll make Christen leave you alone, now that she'll be aware that Carina knows," Becky told her girlfriend, taking her salad from the waiter who had just walked over with their food.

"Yeah, I don't know. Chances are I will tell her though," Julie answered.

Their conversation continued, until they finished their food, and left. They departed and went home.

When Becky and Julie got home, they got into their pajamas, and climbed into bed. Becky wrapped her arm around Julie's shoulder, and Julie cuddled next to Becky.

"Baby, please, just know, no matter how out of hand this gets, I'll always love you more than anything in the world. Don't ever let anyone else tell you any different," Julie told Becky.

Becky leaned down and kissed Julie on the cheek, and soon enough, they were both asleep, cuddled up next to eachother, safe and sound.

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