Chapter 8

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"You can have revenge for breakfast a different day," Julie smirked," but today, you have to have a good breakfast for training."

"Fine, I'll just have eggs, bacon, and toast," Becky replied.

Becky sat on the couch and switched on the TV to the news.

"Trump, Trump, Trump, shootings, murders, Trump," Becky sighed," What's new?"

A few minutes later, Julie came into the living room carrying two plates of food. She handed one to Becky and sat down next to her. Despite the boring stories that took up the news channel, they watched it, disgusted by Donald Trump's selfishness, and the amount of people being killed every day.

"I'm still tired, I'm going back to bed," Julie said, getting up and walking down the stairs.

"I guess I will too," Becky got up and followed Julie upstairs.

They got under the covers, and Julie rested her head on Becky's chest, and they fell back asleep.

* two hours later, 1:45 pm *

Becky heard the alarm clock going off, and woke up Julie. They put on their training uniforms, and and headed over to the facility. It was about an hour away, and they liked to be there early.

On the car ride there, a commercial for the Olympics came on the radio. Alex's voice came through the speakers saying "Join me and the U.S. Women's Soccer Team and fight for the gold!"

"The Olympics are so soon, it seems like just yesterday we won the World Cup," Becky said.

"Holy shit the feels, babe," Julie replied, and Becky laughed.

A little while later, they pulled into the training facility. Jill and Tony were already there, setting up.

They walked onto the field, and put their cleats on. When everyone else got there, Jill called them over.

"Okay girls. This is one of our last trainings before we head to Rio. We have to make it count. Let's go."

"One, two, three, team!" They yelled, and got to work.

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