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"Come in. I want to get to know your gay self." Lisa said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, c'mon Jack." I said and pulled him into my house. I led him to the sitting room. My mom hugged Jack and I and then we sat.

"Are they gonna question me?"

"Hell yeah." I replied. He pouted and I laughed. I pecked his lips. 

"Alexander! When did you get a boyfriend?!" my mom yelled.

"This morning." I answered.

"Oh my God. Finally Lexi." she said.

"Mom." I scolded.

"You have your first boyfriend." She replied. She was way too happy about this.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" Jack asked quietly.

"Nope." I mumbled. "I know, I'm a loser."

"This just means I can be your first everything."

"You're such a shit." I mumbled. He kissed my cheek and held me. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"So, Jack, where do you work?" she asked.

"Some days I help my grandparents at their company. I want to find a hospital to volunteer at. I did when I lived in LA. I've worked as a waiter and in many stores. I worked at Starbucks too. That was a mess." he rambled.

"What did you do at the hospital?"

"Little bit of everything. I was a nurse. I tended to patients. Some of them never got visitors so I would talk to them everyday. I helped change bandages. The whole nine yards."

"That's very sweet of you. What company do your grandparents own?"

"Some jewelry company. I just put stuff in boxes and then boxes in boxes."

"How's your home? Yknow, relationship with parents? Can I meet them?"

"I live in an apartment by myself. My parents never really took care of me. They said 'here's x amount of dollars. Don t get in legal trouble.' it was stupid. I moved here for my parents. And a change." Jack answered.

"So, what are your intentions with my son?" my dad asked.

"To treat him like a little prince and make him happy." He replied. I smiled at him and he rubbed my side.

"You're not using him for sex?" Dad asked.

"Dad!" I said and blushed.

"No, sir. I'm not using him for sex. Ever. I would never use anyone. Ecspecially him. He's special." Jack said.

"What kind of special? Do have some crazy kink for trans people?"

"No. Not at all. I didn't know he was trans. I liked him way before that. When I met him, I thought he was the most beautiful man ever."

I looked at him and he kissed my forehead. "Jack." I whispered.


"You're so perfect." He said. I smiled.

"It's the truth. I've always and will always see you as a boy. Not a girl. When you told me I thought, 'hey. He was never a girl. He was a boy, but he just got in the right body."

"He's so sweet. I approve of him." Mom said. I smiled and Jack kissed my cheek. I smiled and cuddled into him. He played with my hair.

"Do you want a future with my son?"

"I don't date people to pass time. I date them because I see myself with them in a year for now. I'll go with whatever he wants or says. I don't want to push him or make him upset."

"How many other people have you been with?" He continued.

"Two. They were when I was experimenting. A girl and a guy."

"Are you still experimenting?" He asked.

"No. Not at all. I'm gay. Very gay." He replied.

"I'll put it this way. You hurt my son in any way, I will end your life." My dad said and gave him a sweet smile.

Jack actually looked scared. He just nodded a little and I giggled. "He's kidding. He won't kill you, but he might hurt you," I replied. Jack looked at me and I kissed him. He kissed back and I put my hand on his cheek.

I pulled back and he smiled at me. I ran my hand through his hair and blushed, kissing his cheek. Jack pulled me onto his lap and rubbed my back. I put my head in his neck, smiling. "You're beautiful." he whispered.

"And you are very sexy." I whispered in his ear.

I kissed under his ear and he tightened his grip on my back, probably leaving brusies. So, he has a soft spot under his ear. Interesting. That'll come in use. "Here are some cookies." Mum said. I got really excited and grabbed the plate.

Jakc went to take one and I slapped his hand. "No. My cookies."

"I should've made brownies." Mum whispered. Dad laughed and nodded. I glared at them.

"You eat those everyday when you come home. They make you happy. Jack does, too, but chocolate M&M cookies are youre favourite."

I nodded quickly and fed Jack a bite of my favourite cookie. He ate it and smiled at me. "Oh god. Alex, your grandmother is coming into town tomorrow. And she's staying with us." My heart sank and I dropped my cookie.

"What's wrong with your grandmother?" Jack asked.

"She doesn't know I'm trans. I dressed like a boy. I binded. She thought it was a phase. That I would get over it." I explained. He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Instead I got surgeries and a name change. And a boyfriend."

"Well, you're perfect so I don't know why she would think any different." Jack whispered. He kissed my cheek and moved the cookies. He grabbed the half eaten cookie and gave me half. I ate it and he did the same. I laid down and patted behind me.

Jack laid down and put his arm around my waist. I smiled and kissed his hand. "Her plane is actually landing now. Fuck." My mom said. She started cleaning up the tiny mess.

"You and me against the world. And nothing will ever hurt you. You're so perfect." Jack whispered in my ear. I smiled and rolled over in his arms.

"You and me against the world."

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