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"Baby boy." Jack whispered. I hummed and cuddled into him more, pulling the blanket up. "Your mom asked if I wanted to move in."

"It's up to you. You are working. It would save you money. I think it would be a good learning experience for us as a couple. And I would get to see you more."

"That's why she wants me to move in. Since we will eventually tour, she wants us to learn that living together is hard. But, I have to sleep in your old room."

"Don't do it. I can't sleep without you." He laughed and smiled.

"I'm sure if I made a deal with her, she would be okay with it."

"Be a gentleman too."

"Always am, love." I blushed and pecked his lips.

"I love you, daddy." I whispered.

"Love you, too." He mumbled against my lips. He kissed them and I blushed. I heard the door open and the stairs creak.

"Boys." I heard my dad say.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning in Jack's arms. He sat in the black and galaxy egg chair and looked at us.

"Did you two talk it over?" He asked.

"Yeah. We were just talking about it actually." Jack said.

"Looks like you were doing more than talking." He muttered.

"Dad! We weren't doing anything." I replied. He rolled his eyes and I smiled. "Love you dad."

"Love you too." He said. "But are you moving in?"

"Can he stay in my room? Please dad?" I asked.

He gave me the 'You're out of your bloody mind' look. "No."

"But, dad, I barely sleep without him. And when we tour, we'll sleep in the same bunk. It's not any different."

"Except for the fact that you two are having sex. Not happening. You used to call me daddy too. So." I felt my whole face heat up and Jack squeezed my hand.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm not stupid. My god. I can hear you two all the time. I don't always leave with your mother."

I turned back over an hid my face in Jack's chest. "Lex, its okay."

"Plus I do your laundry. And I've seen your shirt that says 'Don't touch me unless I call you Daddy.' It doesn't take a mastermind either. I've been in your closet."

"Oh my god." I said.

"Keep my son safe. Don't pull any bullshit. He will tell me or his mother. So..."

"I won't. Safety system in place. I promise." Jack said. He kissed my head.

"But can he stay down here. Please? It wouldn't be any different."

"Extra fifty dollars on rent to stay in here."

"Okay." Jack said and shrugged.

"And you get tested."

"Already have. Every other month even though I'm only sleeping with him."

"We go together." I said.

"Okay. Show me your last results." I rolled back over and opened the bedside table. I handed him our papers and he looked over them. "And you know his situation right?"

"Of course. Use a condom every time."

"I'm being put on the pill. Should speed up the process to less than the year it's supposed to take."

"I know. Your mom told me."

"And remember, Jack, I own a gun."

"I know. And so does his sister. And your mom owns pepper spray." Dad laughed and stood. He pulled a house key out and handed it to Jack.

"Welcome home. Rents due at the end of the month. Or whenever."

"Every month though. Thanks Mr. Gaskarth."

"Call me Parker." He smiled and I kissed his cheek.

He got up and left. I smiled and pinned Jack onto the bed. I hugged him and he put his arms around my waist. "Looks like we're going to have to rearrange the room so I can get out without climbing over you."

"I'll start sleeping on the inside. It's easier for me to move and you're a heavy sleeper."

"True. You're beautiful." He whispered. I blushed and shook my head, letting him rub my back.

"No I'm not." I mumbled and put my head in his neck.

"Lie. You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Okay?"

I just rolled my eyes and kissed his forehead. "Love you."

"Love you more baby boy." I smiled and bit my lip a little. He ran his hand down my back and touched my butt.

I giggled and put my head on his chest, still looking up at him. I played with his fingers and his ring. "Who gave this to you?" I asked.

"You." He replied.


"Our six month. You don't remember?" He whispered. He looked at me and I stopped for a second.

"My meds make my memory shit sometimes. Just give me a minute. I'm sure I'll remember." I whispered. He nodded and I smiled.

"I should go get my stuff."

"Yeah. Don't be afraid to bring your little throw pillows or paintings. This room is yours."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. I got off of him and laid on the bed. "I'll be back."

He was going to be about an hour and I knew it was my parents' date night. So, I freshened up. I put on my tightest leggings that made my ass look like it was sculpted by a god. I put his shirt on and shaved. Everywhere. I made my hair a little messy and laid on the bed. I was on my stomach, pushing my shirt above my ass but so it looked natural. My parents had already left so praise.

I smiled and heard Jack's truck in the driveway. He got a new truck that I can't get into because I'm short and he has to help me every time. I heard him come downstairs and I continued to play on my phone. I heard the bag drop and him walk over. He slapped my ass and I looked at him, smiling a little.

"Teasing me, baby boy? Doesn't go over well with daddy."

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