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I sat at the dining table and Jack came in with some food. He set it down and sat beside me. "Man, I'm the only one here without a boyfriend." Lisa said as she sat beside me.

"It's okay. He'll come down one day." I replied. She smiled at me and Jack put his arm around me. They started praying and I just sat there with Jack, smiling at him.

We started eating and talking about anything and everything. I could tell Jack felt at home and comfortable with my family. "So, Jack, what do your parents do?"

"They own a branch of a jewellery business in LA that will eventually be passed down to me."

"Don't you have to be in LA to run that?"

"No. My parents are only 35 so they have a lot more time. I told them I don't want the business so."

"What do you wanna do?" Grandma asked.

"I wanna be in a band."

"Alexandria can sing."

"Alexander." I corrected automatically. She rolled her eyes.

"Just call the boy his damn name." Grandpa said.

"Are you really taking her side?"

"His. And sorry I'm not a religious prick like you. I'm just glad our daughter is nothing like you."

"Same." I said. Jack snickered and I looked at him. I pecked his lips and smiled. "You're way to perfect for me." I whispered.

"It's the other way around, sweetheart." Jack replied and patted my thigh.

I rolled my eyes and ate more of my food. There was no point in fighting with him, he would win anyways. He always does, whether it's movies or if I'm cute or not. He always thinks he's right and doesn't change his fucking answer. He thinks a bunny is cuter than a kitten. Bullshit.

"Do you have my pills?"

"Xanax?" I whispered back. He nodded. I have him one and he put it in his mouth, then drank a little.

"What pill did you just take? Do you have drugs in my house?" My dad asked.

"Oh. Yeah, he works in narcotics."

"It's Xanax. For my anxiety. Totally prescription. I just give them to Alex so I don't over take them."

"That's very sweet of you Alex. I wish my boyfriend would do that. But he did give me weed. Which calmed me down a lot." Lisa said.

"Lisa!" Mom shrieked.

"What? You used to do it when you were in that biker gang. And it's perfectly legal."

"Can you get me some?" I asked.

"No. Please don't start that." Jack replied.

"It's a joke, babe. I'm good. In my psychiatrist's eyes."

"Talikg about that, you need to see if Vic can take you to therapy Tuesday. Right? Yeah. It's at 2:30. I already called the school and told them you're leaving after third block."

"Vic's brother totalled his car." I answered. "I'll just uber."

"I'll take you. I have no fourth period." Jack offered.

"Oh yeah. You don't. You really wanna go to therapy with me?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"You have to like sit in there with him for an hour and a half. I don't know why. It's some bullshit. I could go get my nails done." She answered.

"No. It's cool. I've been in plenty of therapist offices. I'll even take you out after."

"See? That's a gentleman. He's a keeper, Alex." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. He is." I agreed. Jack smiled and I got up. "I'll be right back." I grabbed Jack's glass and went to the kitchen.

"You okay, baby?" I heard.

"Yeah. Just a lot of questions." I replied as I poured our drinks. He wrapped his arms around me and I turned in them, leaning up to kiss him. He met me halfway and I leaned against the counter.

I felt my ass being grabbed and he kissed my neck. "Just calm down. It'll all be fine." He whispered and trailed little kissed across my collarbones.

I felt his hands slip under my shirt then go to my pants. "Jack." I said quietly and pushed him back a little.

"Sorry. I didn't realise how far my hands went." He replied, blushing a bit.

"It's okay. I'm just not ready."

"I know. I understand." I smiled and he moved a piece of my hair from my face. He pecked my lips and I sorted out my shirt.

We walked back and sat. Dinner went by and Jack and I went to my room. I changed my bandages, took my meds, and laid down. Jack was already on the bed and playing on his phone, making me smile. I cuddled into him and he played with my hair, putting his phone down.

"You can keep doing whatever you were doing."

"No. Youre much more important and interesting." I smiled and got on top of him. I leaned down and kissed him, ignoring his phone that was buzzing constantly.

"Who's texting you?" I mumbled.

"Group chat with Rian and Zack." He grabbed it and rolled us over, setting his phone beside us. He kissed my neck and I moaned quietly, only to have them call him.

"Just answer it. It's not like we've never kissed." I replied. He laughed a little and did, pecking my lips.

"Yeah guys?" I kissed his neck.

"How's Baltimore?"

"Good. This isn't the best time. Call you back?"

"Jack got a boyfriend! Who is he?"

"His name is Alex. You'll meet him when you guys come here."

"Okay. We'll be there next week."

"Don't you have school?" He asked.

"No. We're older than you, Jack." I kissed behind his ear and he let out a shaky breath.

He played with my hair and they talked more. I grabbed his side and smiled. "You're so sexy." I whispered in his ear and smirked. God, his boner is killing him. And me, but in two different ways.

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