Chapter 7. Running from the elves

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The old man and the elf girl were arguing about how to get out of their confinement. They didn't have much in way of possessions at that moment, only having their clothes on their backs. Besides, the whole dungeon operated using magic to lock the doors, and that can only be countered with more magic, which is impossible due to vast quantity of anti-magic wards. You would need to be a legendary magician to get out, which none of them were.

Sel listened to them and waited. There might be something he can do, but it was just too early right then. He could use his strength, but without fel energy, he was weaker than usual. He needed some scourge to feed him. Trying to draw out some from the air was fruitless, the scourge was siphoned out and destroyed with magic. However, Sel felt a slight tugging from different directions. He guessed that the other demons out there still had some scourge in them. Perhaps if he could get his hands on it...

The day after the elf girl came, the warden showed up again and tried interrogating the greyskin. Her strikes and jabs were not enough to even make him bleed, and the blessed water lost much of the power after having received the demon's blood. The warden asked to change it, but even the fresh water had little effect on loosening the tongue of the beast.

The old man asked the demon some questions too.

"Why do ya have those grey eyes? Where did ya get those pretty scars? What did ya do to survive the deserts? Where are your brethren?"

The questions went on and on, repeating the same one multiple times. The old guy just wouldn't shut up. Sel didn't engage in the conversation, hoping for the guy to get a hint and get off him. Sadly, it didn't help, but giving him a reply would only encourage him more.

The elf girl also asked some questions, but nothing too important. Sel just ignored the girl too. She was cute, but her foul mouth made her sound like an old man. And she also liked to emasculate the demon, talking about him like he was small or had a tiny manhood. Seriously, where did she become like that?

The hours went by, the trio trying to get out, chewing, hitting, nailing at the iron bars. Nothing worked, the wood and the enchantments on it were too strong. At some point the girl was fed up, so she decided to spout some more foul language at the demon and her half-brother for being such weak men.

"Come on you fuckers. Why did you grow up to be as weak as little babies? Can't you come up with something? I wanna go east, come on you grey fuck, do something." Sel didn't get bothered by the profanity, demons were more bad-mouthed than the elf was. "Regios, you were an adventurer, do something. You ought to have some magic dust or some lock picks."

"Dear sister, please calm down. I am an adventurer, but all my tools have been taken. Not much can be done without them. Besides, I don't have anything to disrupt the magic or to erode the wood away. If our friend here could use some scourge magics to do something would be good, but he doesn't seem to know much."

"Fuck you and your 'dear sister', you are a shitty adventurer. And you, you grey fuck, why don't you do 'whoosh-whoosh' and get us out of here. There is supposed to be some scourge inside you, get it out and fuck this place up."

"Sister, don't make such suggestions, the fella might not understand your jokes. And how would he do magic when every bit of energy the fella has is sapped away by the magic wards?"

"How the fuck should I know? He healed me somehow, do the same thing!"

The three stayed quiet after that for a moment. Sel, hearing what the girl said pondered on it and then got up. He cut his palm and spread his blood on the wooden bars. For a moment they simmered with a teal light and then began to turn ashen, releasing a black smoke. The wood melted slightly and then caught on fire. Seeing this development, Sel spread his blood on all the bars of his cell, the ones keeping him in and the ones separating him from the two.

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