Chapter 16. Final fight.

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While a lone demon stood in the arena, from a dark doorway beneath the biggest balcony came forth contestants of various shapes and sizes. There were large men who looked like real demons, with massive horns and black wings behinds them, their bodies covered with flames. There were also human looking men with black eyes or vertical pupils. Some were adorned with capes, covering their features and not letting anybody see beneath them.

Overall, thirty five people came to participate. It would have been a long tournament, if everybody were to fight one on one, but Sel had different plans. He scanned each one, feeling whether there is any fel energy inside each of them. Only six people were devoid of any scourge, making them non-demon in origin. Their looks were obscured by the cloaks. The rest were applicable for the spectacle Sel was waiting to unleash.

"People, now, before you stand all the participants who will be fighting for the hand of the the demon lord's daughter. Now, they will have to kill the sole survivor of the previous fights, the 'Elven Executioner', an unknown demon who have been brought into the arena just two weeks prior. He showed great skills and great use of magic, but can he survive the fights with many nobles from around the world? Now, he will fight the first person on the roster, the demon from the north, Ivaner Icewing!"

From the crowd of thirty odd people came forth a menacing human-looking demon. He had pale skin and sky-blue eyes, which were ice cold and soul chilling. He had a blue and white armor on him, making him look very cool and ice-like. True cold personality and character.

Sel turned towards the balcony where the demon lord sat with his daughter. He shouted at him, making sure everybody heard his words.

"I will do it better. Out of this crowd, there are six non-demons. The others will all die. Is there anybody who should be spared?"

"I am aware of only four non-demons. But regardless, everybody here is prepared to face the consequences. If death awaits them, they will meet it face to face."

The group of people stirred slightly, unnerved by the words that the grey demon was spouting. Killing them all? What did he mean? And being ready to die? These fights were supposed to be fighting only until an opponent is knocked out. The men did not get a chance to voice their complains. Sel raised his hand and pointed it towards them.

He felt around and reached towards the scourge inside them. When he gripped his hands, he also gripped the energy inside the demons. They felt some pressure appear out of nowhere. Few of them laughed, thinking it was the greyskin's attempt at magic. But few seconds later, their faces froze with whatever expressions they had.

Sel willed the scourge to consume its host. The demons were covered in black smoke like the greyskin was previously, only they were not unharmed like he was. Slowly, their bodies dissolved into puddles of blood and gore, falling apart as all the energy was ripped away. Twenty nine men all turned into mush in the matter of seconds, leaving giant cloud of black miasma floating around.

The six men that were left were in shock. Just in front of them, almost thirty people were killed, with no effort from their opponent. He still stood there, with a solemn face, pointing his hand towards them.

The next moment, the cloud moved towards them. Two men were too slow to move and were dissected on the spot, their flesh ripped to shreds by the black smoke. The other four activated their magic, two of them having blessings from gods.

Usually blessings were sighs of the god's champions. Sel was surprised to see two champions in the same place. Although if you counted Illiria, there were three. Too bad, none of the ones present were female.

Sel didn't let them recover, immediately sending the black tendrils towards the four. Around each of then was a slightly differently looking barrier, each one repelling the scourge somewhat. They each drew their weapons, two of them having swords, one having a double edged axe and another one having a hammer.

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