Chapter 12. Slaughter.

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Inside the house the atmosphere was still tense. The elf and the hag had were glaring at each other, with the redhead standing behind the hag, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Regios was sitting down at a table, sipping on some wine, which wasn't laced with poison this time. Sel didn't care what happened, he just wanted to leave Siri in the care of his women.

When he came in, four pairs of eyes turned towards him, all slightly confused, seeing a catsun in his arms. The small furry girl was the last thing people expected for the greyskin to bring inside. He walked to the red-head and put Siri next to her.

"This is Siri, she is mine. Take care of her."

After saying that, Sel wanted to leave, but two other girls assaulted him with questions.

"What other whore did you bring, did the red bitch not fuck you plenty last night? Why do you need another whore to fuck?"

"How dare you call my granddaughter a whore? And who are you to command my darling and to bring some filthy girl in here? This is my house."

Sel didn't like the tone of the two young looking women. He turned towards them and made the scourge manifest around then, gripping them in a tight vice. Ever since he managed to manifest the fel energy to change his mount, he felt stronger and more powerful, the scourge becoming like an extra omnipotent arm of his.

With both of them up in the air, their legs dangling below and their hands clutching at their throats, the two shut up. Sel looked at the hag.

"You are mine now. What I say goes. What I want happens. I want Siri here, she is here. She is mine, just like you or Sabrina. If I want to fuck either of you I will. Shut up and don't speak to me."

With that he let the hag drop on the floor, weak and powerless. His commands were absolute and all her strength was truly his, the fel energy that she controlled was so obedient because Sel willed it to be. He could turn the woman inside out with all the energy she had inside her.

"And you, you are my slave. The only reason I kept you was because you looked like Her. You are not like Her, you are filthy with your mouth spewing bile and your eyes showing hatred. You are a tarnished woman, nothing good inside you..."

Sel spoke angrily at the girl, making her gasp in surprise at his harsh words. Even Regios looked at him wide eyed. He had his own share of love problems, it wasn't hard to hear the pain Sel felt. His sister had crossed a line she didn't know was there. Who knows what will he do now?

"In fact. Leave. Go. I don't want filth to remind me of what I lost and how you are nothing like her. I see you again, I will kill you."

Saying that, Selmiria's collar was ripped apart by the materialized scourge and then consumed by the vile power. The elf girl was free to go and do as she pleased. Sel turned around and walked outside, leaving the three girls, one man and two catsun astonished.

The elf felt free of the vile grasp of the greyskin, but she wasn't relieved. That demon, he spoke to her in such manner. She didn't understand as much as Regios did, but whatever little bits she got, they hurt her deeply. Sel only walked with her because she reminded him of somebody. He wasn't a wild demon like others, he was a person with a soul or something that could substitute for one. He felt pain and he felt anger. His usually expressionless face showed anger and anguish for that one moment. The way he changed in that one second, it was extraordinary, just ordering the hag around and then exploding at the elf.

She slumped on the floor, with tears flowing down her face. She felt hurt from his words, but she also felt scared. She was in enemy territory, without his mark she would be taken forcibly by some of the demons. They were dumb and uncivilized, unlike him. He had everything Selmiria wanted, the grace, the beauty and the demeanor of a proud elf with wild, unadulterated and demonic power hidden within.

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