Chapter 10. Two girls, one demon.

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Sel woke up with a headache. His body fighting a powerful drug, it made him very uncomfortable. As he rose up, around him was painted a red circle, glowing with eerie light. The old hag stood near, chanting something, while her granddaughter stood some distance away, looking at them with indifference.

Sel woke up too late, the ritual was almost complete. As he tried standing up and walking towards the hag, he was restrained by some unknown force. He looked around, trying to find what was stopping him, but there were no restrains on him. With another try, he once again was stopped by something invisible.

He then decided to observe his surroundings instead. They were somewhere out of town, near a lake and surrounded by trees. The place was unfamiliar, which didn't really surprise Sel, because he wasn't from around here.

The sky was a normal blue color, with only a few clouds up there. The air was fresh, no smells of shit and piss like in places inhabited by demons. There was nobody but the three of them.

After few minutes, the ritual was complete. The red circle shined brightly and inside Sel something stirred. The skin on his neck burned and a black marking, similar to the one the slave collars have appeared.

"Now, to seal the ritual. Kneel!"

The hag said those words with a powerful voice, very different from the raspy one before. A powerful force surrounded Sel, trying to push him down onto his knees. It was strong, but it felt like the force hesitated, just like when it hesitated when he tried leaving the circle.


The hag almost screamed the word, making the invisible force push on him harder. Sel bent under the weight slightly, but then he straightened out and stood straight. The markings on his neck burned, slightly smoking up and releasing dense black fog.

"I said KNEEL!"

With a loud shout, the hag sent another powerful blast of force, but Sel no longer cared. The power hesitated to work on him, like it was afraid of him. He felt the hesitation. With his own thought, he stopped the force entirely, making it obey him. The marking on his neck bubbled up, melting his skin and making blood flow down.

"What!? I used the most powerful binding spell of the covenant! My blood was used for the ritual! How can a mere demon resist the magic of a grand witch? What are you?"

With her powerful voice wavering, the hag looked at Sel with anger and shock. He listened to her words and then decided that it was his time to act. If her blood was used in a binding, then his could be used too.

Sel slowly walked out of the circle, dismissing the power trying to restrain him. With fel energy at his command, nobody can control it like he could. With a few steps he came close to the hag, who looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing how could he break the top level sealing circle. Her granddaughter now looked at them with slight interest in her eyes. She didn't attempt to help or run away.

With one hand, the greyskin picked up the old hag by the throat. He then moved the palm of the other hand by his fang, slicing it open. With a bit of force, he parted the lips of the old hag and made her drink his blood. His immense amount of fel energy, now completely recharged from being in demon territory entered the old hag.

The witch had spent her whole life controlling the scourge and using it for her own devices. She drunk plenty of demon blood before, she consumed a lot of scourge to extend her life and she used plenty of fel magic. But whatever she drunk now did not even compare to anything in her past.

A massive surge of energy ran through her, her body attempting to subdue and use the fel energy like it did in the past. This was a massive amount of pure scourge, much more pure than available by any other means. The body of the hag was adept at absorbing the scourge to rejuvenate itself, so it used as much as it could. Her body convulsed as the energy ran through it, the hag felt so powerful, she was drunk with power. She felt like she could destroy the world and recreate it. While the scourge was running through her, she climaxed multiple times as she often did during the ogres and sacrifices in her past.

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