Sean imagine for @thetidelevix

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It was a long,exceedingly boring day at school filled with the same old teachers, hierarchy crazed teenagers and hormonal football players. My weeks could go by being super monotonous but, that was all about to change.
Recently I've been talking to this guy. He's totally cute, extremely charismatic and another positive adjective that describes just how great he is. We're kinda like second grade pen pals but without the pens and I'd like to think we're definitely more than pals. His name is Sean. (Well, I surely hope it is.) It's actually pretty ironic because my parents basically drilled into me not to talk to strangers. But I don't consider Sean to be some "stranger".                
                                                     I'm currently on my way back from school.Why does my house have to be so far from the rest of the world? I can't stop my leg from bouncing up and down and I hit my knee on the side of the bus as I finally reach my house. I thank the bus driver hastily and basically sprint into the house and up to my room.

Finally I get to see him.
I click on the Skype icon on my computer and hope that he will pick up. But when someone finally does, it isn't who I expected.

" Uh...hay? I'm Ceri," I say,trying not to be too awkward.

"Gabe," chimes the guy on the other end of my screen. "So you're the girl he's always talking about" he continues.

" I'm sorry, what?"

Does he mean Sean talks about me? No, it couldn't be possible, I'm not that desirable. We haven't even met in person.

"He talks about you nonstop. Well at least I think it's you since he kept saying something about a Ceri-Ellen girl. He calls you Elle. The idiot gets on my nerves always talking about you but I guess that's why we're friends," he says.

Sean does call me Elle. Its his nickname for me because he says my name is too long. Not that I don't already know that.

I'm shocked. Sean talks about me?Like he forms coherent compliments about me. Still a little dazed, I hear the door on Gabe's side creak open and see Sean slip in. His eyes flash from his laptop to Gabe and back to me. A flash of panic washes over Sean's face and makes my heart melt a little.
"What did you say to her?" Sean asks Gabe, fear and nervousness emitting through his voice. I giggle, wondering why he's so scared. Gabe seems decent enough.

"I was just telling her how you've devoted your every being to her. You know, that you looovve her," Gabe teases. He gets up and sprints out the room before Sean could even blink.

" I'm really sorry about him he's an idiot and he has a bl--" I cut him off

"Is it true then?"

"Is what true?" Sean can be really slow sometimes. But it makes him who he is. The cute guy I know him to be.

"That you talk about me Sean."

He goes red in the cheeks.
"Maybe. Is that weird? That's a stupid question, of course -"

"Relax,it's not weird. I mean it's not like you like me or anything,"I say trying to make a joke and lighten the mood.

"I actually do, like a lot"


"Please say something" he begs. I swear I'm happy, it's just that I've never been put in this situation.

" I like you too" I say waiting for his response. I'm never that confident but I guess I can say anything to Sean.
A large grin forms on his beautiful face and because it's so contagious, I grin too.

"Wait, I still haven't asked you" he says.

"Ask me what?"I say confused
He adjusts his camera and kneels on one leg.

"Elle, remember when we both agreed the word 'bae' totally sucks?" I nod at him and my grin turns into a smile.

"Well, I would most definitely like you to be mine. Even though we agree the word is stupid and kind of self centered," Sean  says, the biggest smile creeping onto his face.
"I would absolutely love to be your bae," I say excitedly. Gabe runs back into the room and trips over something, falling straight onto Sean's floor.
And that was the start of a very long and eccentrically perfect romance.

There you go Ceri-Ellen  hope you like it Xx

And everyone thank you so much for reading this book it means a lot and a shoutout to TheTideLevix for being my first request so everyone go follow her.

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