Misscarrage:part 4 - sean

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Your Pov (your 20)
I was so exited to find out that I was pregnant. It was about a month after our wedding when I found out. I told Sean right away and obviously he was also very exited to bring a little us into the world.

Later that week we told the boys and their reaction was soo funny.

Charlie just stared at us with a disused face as if saying "eww,you guys had sex"

Trevor just had a huge smile spread across his face  because I knew he wanted to be an uncle so bad.

Liam litrally jumped at Sean while squeeling like a five year old on Christmas Day.

And gabe just started mumbling on what he would do if it was a boy or a girl and how he would spoil it rotten.

But overall every one was very exited so when we lost the baby everyone was deviated and this is how it happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~
It was a normal Saturday evening and Sean was at the recording studio with the boys because they were finalising the songs for their next album.

I was sitting upstairs watching TV when I heard a smash from downstairs and I ran into the bathroom , locked the door and called 911.

Then I called Sean

(S= Sean Y= you )

S- hi babe how's it going being alone hehe

Y- Sean there's someone  in the house


just as he said that I heard someone walk into our bedroom

I started crying and the person in our room obviously heard me because I heard them coming toward the bathroom door and start to jiggle the handle .when they couldn't get it open so then I heard them walk backwards, hopefully they went away but that wast the case.

I pressed my ear to the door and I heard them sprinting toward the door so I jumped into the bath to try and protect myself from the impact that was about to come.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and wait for the cracks of the door being broken down.

And when the door finally cracked and fell over so did the intruder and I took that as my sign that I needed to get out of there so I got out of the bath and sprinted out the bathroom door before through intruder could regain his ballance.

Being pregnant and running down the stairs wasn't a good idea it never is but as I was running down the  stairs to the front door I tripped and fell and then every thing went black.

I woke up in a white hospital room with Sean staring intensely at me.

"What happened" I ask him

He sniffles and then answers

" you were running form the person who was in the house and you fell down the stairs
But you fell onto your stomach and you lost the baby because of the impact" he explains

The baby!

I look down at my stomach and see that it's smaller that it was yesterday.

"We lost the baby didn't we ?"

He just slowly nods.

I can't help but let my mind wonder of the list of people I let down but the main one I let down was Sean because he was so ready to be a dad, I knew he was ready.

"I'm so sorry I let you down Sean, I shouldn't have run" I weap

"No,no,no,don't you dare blame yourself for this okay the only one to blame is that intruder and I'm so glad that you did run because if you didn't I could have lost you and the baby and I can never live without you that's why I married you " he says with a smile

I return it with a small side smile

"Look at me , I know things may seem really shit right now but they will get better and when your ready we can try again"


And from that moment on I knew everything was gonna be ok and even though we don't have a perfect family now I still have Sean and that's all I need for now.


Hi guys so I hope you liked this and then shoutout to @laurenjcat  because she was the first one tho answer the chapter befores question

Peace out✖✌

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