Liam Imagine for @marisjs4199

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So the past few weeks have been so stressful because I have been doing exams while trying to handle a full time job.

Liam saw that I was feeling like trash so, he came over every day to help me study and you would think that it would make me distracted more than anything but it actually helps me.

When I get a question right he gives me a kiss and I want lots of kisses so it encourages me to remember the answers, but sometimes he'll just give me a kiss even if I get the question wrong as if to say 'at leased you tried'.

But for the past week he's been avoiding me and it's had me worried. He hasn't been the same Liam and when ever I try to talk to him he gives short answers or just avoids talking to me and he hasn't been over much, so hopefully when I ask him about it tonight he'll tell me what's wrong so I can try and help.

So tonight we were gonna hang out at my house because my parents where going out to dinner and my sister was sleeping over at her friends house so, I had the house to myself and usually I get really bored when I'm home alone so I invited Liam over.

"Ok we are gonna head out and drop your sister off at Casey's house and then we are gonna go eat at that new restaurant downtown we'll be back at about eleven " said my mom

"Ok, enjoy" I say to my parents and sister.

"Oh and don't burn the house down and no funny business with Liam when he gets here please we don't want any grandchildren yet" said my dad

I just gave him a disgusted look but he just laughs it off. And finally they left.

A few minutes later my phone starts to ring. And I see that it was Liam.

( L- Liam
M- me )

M- hey babe.

L- hey, so I have some bad news.

M- ok?

L-I can't come over tonight the band called to have have rehearsals tonight.

M- ok I have a question about that. How can you have band practice when Charlie is in Kent, Sean is in Liverpool, Trevor is in Springfield and Gabe is in Gothenburg?

L- we- um we are practicing over um Skype yep that's it over Skype.

M- You are a Terrible liar Liam and you are coming over even if I have to drag you from your house you are coming here because I want to spend time with my boyfriend but he's to busy avoiding me to care.

L- I'm sorry ok you win, I'll be over in 10.

M- ok bye.

and I put down the phone before he could say anything else. Twenty mins later the front door opens so I turn to see who it was and it was Liam and he smiles at me when I looked at him but I just ignored him.

"Hi babe" he says as he hangs up his coat on the coatrack.

I don't say anything I just keep watching Stranger Things.

"I said helloooooo" he says louder trying to get my attention.

He then walks over to the couch and lays across me.

"Heeeellllllllloooooo it's me could you please stop ignoring me" he sings in he Adele 'Hello' song tune.

"why are you mad at me now?" he asks while looking at my like a lost puppy.

"why have you been ignoring me all week?" I say.

He looks to the floor with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry I've just been nervous." he explains

"what would you be nervous for?" I ask him.

"For this " he says and gets down on one knee.

"Oh god you aren't proposing are you? " I say with a nervous laugh at the end.

"Oh god no I'm not ready for that at all yet babe" he states "anyway hush and let me say what I want to say, I was gonna ask if you would like to move in with me and I know that you'll probably say no because we are only 19 but I think that we can make it work because we al-" he rambles but I cut him off with a kiss.

"Of course I'll move in with you I mean I'm getting pretty sick of the chores in this house" I say with a smile

"YAY" he yells as he picks me up and spins me around

~~~~~~~2 weeks later~~~~~~

So I finally got all my stuff into Liam's apartment and now we have to start putting everything away but before I do that let me tell you what happened when we told my parents about Liam and I moving in together

So, at first they didn't like the idea and basically said it was a stupid idea and we were to young and explained what would happen if we broke up and then they basically lectured us on all the negatives in the situation but after a while they started to look at the positive points and they realized that Liam and I would probably never break up and that we weren't kids anymore and even if they disapproved we were still gonna do it.
And aft r a while they lined the idea and helped us with the whole moving process

~~~~~~ a little while later ~~~~~~

So we finally finished packing everything away and we were lying on the couch snuggled together but we weren't talking. I was thinking about how our life together is going to change over the next couple of years and knowing Liam he was probably thinking 'why do guys have nipples'

So the things I have realized over the month living with Liam are:

• Liam talks in his sleep about the weirdest things and he talks very loud.

• there are more chores for me to do in this apartment then in my parents house.

• Liam and I can't cook together because it WILL cause a fire.

• when Liam Skypes the boys you will only hear laughter, singing and more laughter.

• we need a pet even if it is a gold fish.

• we are both amazing dancers and when we blast music through the whole hose and dance like crazy people.

And I can honestly say that I cannot wait for my many wonderful and weird adventures that Liam and I will share together while living in here and maybe even traveling the world together while he sells out stadiums and sells millions of records with his band.

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