Liam Imagine for @courtyb329 ?

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So the boys are finally back from America and I was luck enough to house these boys until next week when they go to their own houses. And I was the lucky one who had to pick them up at the airport that is four hours away.

So I finally met up with the boys and my cousin, Charlie. We all had a long ass group hug because I'm pretty close with all the boys but there's one in particular. It's Liam. I've been dating him for the past 3 months and Charlie doesn't know yet and honestly I don't plan on telling him anytime soon. Liam and I first got together when I went to visit Charlie in LA four months ago and it was hard keeping it secret when Charlie would walk in when Liam and I were at one of our 'dates' which were basically just us watching movies and cuddling with kisses here and there. The other three boys found out pretty quick because they suspected us from the day we met. So after our group hug ended I hugged the boys each separately but I hugged Liam a little longer than the other boys because I probably missed him the most. then we had to go and get the bags. So when that was done we all pilled into my moms mini van because my car could never fit two people let alone 5 boys who are huge and luggage.  Liam called shotgun so he got the front passenger seat and he ended up getting in the wrong side because the drivers seats and on opposite sides in the U.K. And the USA.

So about an hour into the drive the other boys fell asleep so it was just Liam and I who were awake so we took this to our advantage.

"Babe you don't know how much I've missed you" he says while grabbing my hand

"I've missed you too I've missed everything" I say back o check behind me too see
That there are no cars and then I turn toward Liam and gave him a kiss and I continued to drive

"So I have a question for you" Liam said

"Ok?" I said Questioning

"When do you think we are gonna tell Charlie about us" he asked

"you don't have to tell me anything"we heard from the backseat and that's when I knew I was in deep shit.

The rest of the ride was silent even the other boys sensed something so they kept quite. And it want much better when we got to the house. Charlie made it his mission to separate Liam and I.

So when we first got back to my apartment charlie was keeping Liam and I apart for about an hour so after a while I went to sit on the couch and relax and liam decided he wanted to join me so he sat next to me and just like for the last hour, if liam gets within a meter to me that's when Charlie buts in. So Charlie ended up squishing in between us and I got so mad but I didn't want to take it out on the boys so I just ran upstairs and locked myself in the bedroom. But only moments after I locked myself in I heard someone run toward the bedroom and try and open the door and when they failed they ran down the stairs again and I figured it was Liam.

A few minutes later I heard yelling from downstairs coming from Liam and Charlie and even though it was muffled I could make out a few sentences. 'This is all your fault'
'She was off limits' and 'but I love her' were the only ones I could make out but that last one caught me off guard. Liam had never told me he loved me before. After Liam shouted that he loved me the yelling stopped. So I took a nap because the four hour drive tired me out.

What seemed to be hours later , there was a knock on my door

'Please let me in we need to take' it was Charlie

So I got up and opened the door and looked at him with a bored bitch face

'we need to talk' he said

so i moved away and let him into the room and closed the door behind me while he sat on my bed.

"So I talked to Liam-"

"More like shouted" I said

"Only at first" he sighs

"Ok so I am sorry for acting like a spoiled 5 year old child when I saw you guys - um you know"

"Kissing?" I say while laughing

"Yea that ,anyway I spoke to Liam and I realised just how good he is for you and how much stuff he likes that you like I don't know why I didn't see that you two are perfect for each other"

"That's why I like him so much he's basically the guy version of me except the whole slack lining thing, I still don't get it"

"But you have to understand that as a big cousin it's my duty to protect you"

"Ok first I'm older than you by a year and you are not much taller than me but I see why you felt like you needed to protect me" I explained

"So are we best fwends again?" He said with a pouty face

"Yes Charlie" I said to him while he hugs me

I heard someone walk past the door and as soon as they see Charlie and I hugging they yell "GROUP HUG" and lunges toward Charlie realising it was Sean I go tense because he just ruined a good bonding moment and then I hear 3 footsteps running up the stairs at all at the same time the tackle is to the floor and now Liam and I are still together and going strong and Charlie fully approves our relationship

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