Trevor Imagine for @littfadxmazz

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My cousin recently joined a band and they have been traveling the world and selling out shows across the USA and U.K. And they are soon going on another tour but this time it's in the whole of Europe.

They are currently staying in London with Charlies parents and I miss my cousin like crazy so I decided to go visit him. But this trip isn't just for me to see liam it's also for me to see someone else.

This someone else is trevor aka the bassist for OA and my boyfriend.

I know right that's a shocker because when I first met the boys the first thing he said to them was that I was off limits. Of course liam doesn't know because if he did know he would a) kill Trevor or b) kick Trevor out the band and then kill him because liam is very protective.

In some to most family's cousins aren't very close like liam and I are but we are like that because he is basically my brother and best friend because my parents both died in a crash when I was a baby (I was told by my uncle and aunt that I was a female version of Harry Potter and Voldemort killed my parents but at age 11 I was very disappointed when my hog warts letter didn't come) and Liam's mom and dad took me in as their own.

It is hard keeping such a huge part of my life hidden from liam because we always tell each other everything. Everyone in my family and the other boys in Liam's band know and they all promised not to tell liam but I knew someday one of them was going to slip up and spill the beans.

So I flew on a plane for way to long and finally I arrived in London and I knew my way around because I went on a school trip for a month here so I had to know my way.

I leave the airport and head toward the tubes. When I finally get into a train I sit for awhile until I reach my destination.

It was hard finding charlies house but once I messaged his dad aka rik I knew exactly were to go. When I arrive at the door step I have to take a huge breath before knocking.

After a few minutes someone opens the door. It was gabe and when he saw me he screamed my name causing liam to run down the stairs and charlie and Sean to run through the door from what I think was the lounge.

When they are all there they give me a bone crushing hug and then let go but while the boys are screaming about how much they missed me I realize that a certain bassist is missing from the group.

I try and keep up with the four boys that are rambling while standing in front of me but I can't help but day dreaming about where Trevor could be.

Just as I snapped out of my trance I hear Trevor running down the stairs while yelling my name when he reaches the bottom of the stairs he lunges at me and gives me a huge hug and I hug him back with as much of me as I can then
he pulled away and gives me the most passionate kiss and I return it until I realize that liam is right there so I pull away very quickly from trevor and he gives me a confused look as to why I stoped the kiss but then with my eyes I point toward liam and he quickly gets the point.

Then it turns awkward. I couldn't look at Liam because I knew he was disappointed in me. After about 5 minutes of standing there liam speaks up

"Why do you all looked shocked"

I turn to face him. He had no look of disappointment or anger on his face.

"Why don't you"

"Oh please, you two are terrible at hiding it when ever (y/n) came to stay with us Trevor's smile would always get a little more brighter and (y/n) would always laugh more and I mean the way you two look ate each other is with pure love"

I smile at him. Liam has always been really foot at noticing the small things but is usable blinded when it comes to me because he sees me as a innocent little girl when I'm far from innocent.

"And I caught you Two making out on the couch last month in LA"

There it is, still blinded when it comes to me

"So your not mad" asked Trevor

"Why would I be mad from the moment I met you Trevor I knew you two would end up together no matter what and even though at first I didn't like the idea I knew that you two would be happy with each other"

"Awwwww" Sean said

"Group hug" screamed charlie

Then we all squish together and just enjoy the moment while I wonder how took it Better than I ever imagined

So there it is. Hope you like this.

Peace ✌🏻🌺

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