Under the Influence: 11

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Hey guys! I'll be honest with you; I absolutely don't know what happened with this chapter but if i have time in the next few days, i'll write it again and let you know! So enjoy and please tell me honestly what you think :)




Nadia :)


~Chapter 11~


I lead the way into the kitchen with Greg following behind me. He was quiet the entire way there. Turning back round, I noticed that he was in a daze.

He was so deep in thought...I didn’t have the heart to break his intense thoughts so I turned back around and walked down the stairs.

Once I reached the kitchen, I saw Catherine and Joshua sitting at the dining table. A big bowl of pasta was placed in the middle and my stomach grumbled at the sight of it. I saw Joshua trying to eat some pasta but failing to use his knife and fork properly.

 It was so cute; he just kept making a huge mess. At one point, he caught me looking and thrust the knife and fork in my hand “Izzy, help!”

I couldn’t bear to say no to him so I ignored Catherine’s scowl and picked up his knife and fork. My stomach could wait a few more minutes.

“Are you not going to eat?” asked a familiar voice behind me.

Noticing Greg standing near the kitchen door, I shook my head and replied “Nope.”

“Are you sure?” He asked once more as he took his place at the dining room table opposite me.

“I just told you didn’t I? No, I’m not hungry so stop asking,” I said my voice rising in every word that I spoke.

He shrugged and turned towards his plate”Alright, whatever.”

I rolled my eyes and focused on Joshua’s food not realising that I was shredding them into grains. After a few minutes of this, I gave up. Joshua could do whatever he wanted now...I was hungry!

Greg smirked at me knowingly, “Sure you’re not hungry? This pasta really is to die for!” and he picked up his fork and moaned in satisfaction.

My stomach grumbled loudly and I glared at him. “Urghh, yes I am. Now shut up and hand me a plate!”

He passed me a plate quickly before ignoring me completely. I guess I really shouldn’t come between him and his food!

 I piled a mountain of pasta onto my plate not looking at everyone else. Finally satisfied with my meal, I slumped down onto the wooden chair and started stuffing my face.

Making eye contact with Catherine I said with my mouth full, “Do you ever stop scowling? Surely it must get boring having the same emotion on your face.”

She gasped dramatically before leaving the table. I hear her mutter ‘How rude’ under her breath but chose not to say anything.

”I was only saying it like it is; I guess she can’t handle the truth!” I muttered under my breath before loading some more food into my mouth.

Greg scoffed loudly “Belle, not everyone is out to get you! My mum has done nothing to upset you so why are you so horrible to her?”

I shouted at him “Do you want me to help her bake some cookies for you or something? Or maybe I should go shopping with your mum and bond over freaking clothes!”

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