Blood Stains

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                                                                     CHAPTER 12

They waited until the cost was clear. It took a while so they had to waited it out. The next morning they got back to the hide out safely. Ronnie and Bryan were not to happy with Serena, Conner and Nicky. "what happened to sticking together no matter what?" said Ronnie. "Yeah really guys" added Bryan. "We're sorry we forgot" said Conner. Ronnie and Bryan were still upset.

"I'm going to go out side for a bit." said Ronnie. Ronnie needed some fresh air from always being under grounds in that hide out. When she got out there she noticed something shining in the grass. It was a cell phone. She went back in side to show the others. They went on the news station and it said that there was 5 missing kids. They have told the parents that there was a feild trip but they ended up calling the school but there was no field trip whatsoever. And they also reported  that there is a group of killers so stay in side at all times. "Theres more than one?!" said Serena. "Thats why they are every were!" said Conner.

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