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dear diary,

after talking to Normani and Dinah
I have finally convinced myself to ask Lauren to hang out with me.

She can't say no, right? I mean, if she barely moved here she needs to make friends and find things to do, I can help her out and show her all around town.

She's so beautiful, she never says more than two words because I think she's shy and more to herself, but the most beautiful people are the one's who are quiet and shy.

So, today I went to the store with my mom and guess who just so happened to be there. Camila. My ex.

I tried to ignore her but she kept staring at me from across the room and smiling at me. I shouldn't miss her but I do.

I need to move on, if I never try I know I never will. So, let's hope Lauren says yes to me tomorrow.

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