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No one really talks about depression and being or feeling alone, and when we do, we get judged for it, or called names, stereotypes, but in all cases big or small… It’s still a huge problem we all end up facing at least once in our lives, how we take it depends in the person and what’s happening in they’re lives at the time it’s going on, some of us hide it and cry in the shadows, some of us break... down, some of us cut to make us forget, some of us just can’t handle it anymore and suicide, and most of the time the ones around us.. The ones that love us the most never see it coming until the moments to late to save them. We all have gone throw some form of these feelings, may because of a break up or a family issue, or a death, a million and one things that due to cause these feelings, I have personally gone threw these, all these feelings, all these emotions.. And feeling like your the only one, that no one else understands you, that you are all alone, no matter how many friends or family you have around you, you still feel like your alone, like your the only one in a room when I’m reality the room is full of people, to find your self crying in the dark where no one will notice to cut your self to forget and to feel something real, to think that the world would be better without you, to think no one would care if you were dead or alive, to feel worthless and hate your self and to hate the others around you, to feel scared and all alone in this world and no one understand you, to try and reach out for help but others judge you and over look it, for others to look at you and say oh that person just wants attention when in reality your seeking for help, so look in the mirror and feel lost within your self, so lose everyone around you, to lose everyone you care about because you can’t show them happiness, to lose your closest friends and be so hurt by it you just want to cry your self to sleep, I have been threw all of these and for a lot of you have too.. No one deserves to feel this way, no one deserves to be treated like a freak, to be called names, to be hurt, to feel lost in this world and or within them selfs, we are all human, we are all the same, doesn’t matter who you are, or what you look like, doesn’t matter how popular you are or how good looking you may be, we are all the same no matter what or who you are, we are all Beautiful and YOU are BEAUTIFUL, there is hope in this world, in your life, it takes time to find it, and it may seem gone or to far to find it, but sooner then later it’s going to hit you in the face and when it does everything you though before… Everything you felt before will change, you will be happy again, you will be Alive and hopeful and loved and cared about once again, it will take time but I swear on my own life, I wouldn’t be telling this to you if I wasn’t 100% sure, things will change for the better good, there is hope for you, you are here for a reason, no matter who you are, they’re are no mistakes when it comes to a life, they’re is always a good reason for all of us to live, to be here, we will learn to be stronger threw all that has happen, threw our lives and all the things it may take us threw, but sooner the later when we finally end up where we need to be in life everything will be better then your ever imagined it. Don’t give up hope, don’t let your self go, your life is important, and is important to me, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care if I don’t know you, or if I have never met you, your life still means a lot to me. thank you for your time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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