the signs as greek goddesses

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Aries: asteria - goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man

Taurus: hestia - one of the original olympians, she gave up her throne to become goddess of the hearth and home

Gemini: hera - queen of the olympian goddesses and goddess of marriage

Cancer: selene - this goddess was the titan personification of the moon itself, unlike the later moon goddesses

Leo: maia - spring goddess and the eldest and most beautiful of atlas' seven daughters who made up the pleiades

Virgo: metis - titan goddess of wisdom and prudence

Libra: eirenne - the greek goddess who symbolized peace

Scorpio: persephone - the maiden goddess and queen of the underworld

Sagittarius: hecate - goddess of the wild places, childbirth and the crossroads, she is associated with magic and witchcraft

Capricorn: nyx - ancient goddess of darkness and night time

Aquarius: eos - the beautiful goddess of the dawn who brings the hope of a brand new day

Pisces: theia - ancient goddess of sight and the bright sky. she was mother helios, selene and eos. her name itself means goddess

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