Dumb Popular Girl Moments

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This chapter is dedicated to @mynameismery for making me this wonderful book cover for me. Thank you so much!!


-How to tell if a girl is popular: Blonde hair and blue eyes

-She wore a short pink dress with pink heels, pink scarf. She wore 3 pink bracelets and a pink diamond necklace. She was holding a pink handbag while applying pink lipstick in front of her pink mirror

-The wild popular girl has a strange call known as 'high heel clicking' to let the weaker students know that she's in the area.

-Sharpay evens anyone

-the only sports popular girls play is cheerleading

-Her introduction into the story is either her walking down the hall with her minions or her making out with her boyfriend

-Her goal is to ruin the new girls life for absolutely no reason

-Take away her cellphone or makeup and the world is suddenly ending

-Every popular girl should just be an evil step mother in a Disney princess movie

-speaking of evil there is never a nice popular girl. Like I have a lot of popular people in my school and most of them are pretty nice

-She plays her hair every damn moment

-Hi um sorry to bother you but would you like some face with that makeup?

-pop girl is always played by Taylor Swift

-Once the main girl steals the pop girls boyfriend get ready 'cause shits about to get serious

-Babe, baby and hon are the only thing she calls her boyfriend

-She speaks in text language and shortened words. ''Um Idk well brb ttyl!'' ''OMG This lipstick is tots perf on my lips.''

-Says 'like' 10 times in every sentence. ''So like I heard this like rumor that like Mrs. Octopyfromouterspace had like an affair with Mr. Cantolopespiderunicorn. Its like the biggest rumor right now.''

-break her nail and she will kill you in your sleep

-Are you telling me no one in the entire school has ever talked back to the popular girl and it was all up to the new nerd girl to say something? Are you serious? If someone started saying smack to my friends and I...well lets just say I hope there's a hospital near by because she's going to need it.

-I swear her and her damn boyfriend are joined at the hip

- story is the exact same as 'Mean Girls' but the author claims its original

-She has some small dog that named like Princess or Mimi

-The bathroom: aka the salon, the gossip centre oh and do not forget the WWE ring

-She has this deep, dark secret that cannot get out or her reputation will be ruined

-Of course the secret gets out and everyone hates her and she is on her knees with makeup running down her face asking for forgivness.


hey hope you enjoyed this chapter one more shout-out to @mynameismery. Donèt forget to comment request and vote :)

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