Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

I showered and freshened myself up, making sure that my wound was cleaned up. The stitches hurt like hell, but I’m sure I’d being doing worse if they weren’t there. I was beyond startled, and the images of what I saw flashed in my mind.

Putting on a fresh T-Shirt, I caught a glimpse of the time. My eyes widened when I saw that I was late to class. What the hell, I’m not going in today. I need to recover from what I witness. I think I just learned my lesson. Never steal. Yep, I’m never going to rob anyone ever again.

Although I learned my lesson, that feeling that I’ll be seeing Eyeless Jack again still remained. I hated that feeling. I need to talk to Dana, she’ll help me out. Grabbing my phone, I called Dana.

“Hey Xayla, what’s up?”

“Um… Can you come over or something?” I asked, biting my lip.

“Yeah! Totally, I’ll be over in a few. See ya’ then!”

“Ok, see you here,” I finished, hanging up.

I wanted to tell her, I wanted to tell somebody. As I thought that I looked down to my dog Pepper, who’s eyes were closed. “I should tell her, right? I mean, I can’t just keep that to myself,” I said, kneeling down to her.

Pepper opened her eyes, breathing deeply through her wet nose. I stroked the top of her head, and that earned me a grunt.

Ding dong!

Getting up from my spot next to Pepper, I raced to my front door to greet Dana. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug, and I hugged her back. When Dana’s eyes looked around, she saw Pepper. “Aww hey puppy!” she squeaked as she walked into my house to greet my old grump of a dog.

“She’s way too old to be a puppy,” I chuckled, but it came out dry because of the news I was planning to tell her. Dana gave me a look saying, whatever. She kissed Pepper on the head, then stood back up to face me.

As I closed the door, Dana asked, “So what’s up?” I made my way into my clean living room, taking a seat on the recliner. Dana now had an expression of full curiosity, now sensing that something is not right. I tried coming up with the correct words, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Er- I went out last night and I saw a house with an open door,” I started, not wanting to bring up the fact that I was a thief and I was looting someone’s house. Dana looked at me with interested eyes, wanting me to continue. “I went to the door and saw that no one in the house who lived there were aware of the open door, so I went inside. When I got to the people, I saw them dead, Dana. They were dead. And not only that, they were torn open. This guy, he was eating parts of them. He saw me and attacked me,” I paused, and saw Dana go a bit pale. “He cut me open and-” I lifted up my shirt and revealed my wound to Dana.

“Oh my god at first I thought you were bull shitting me but what the hell!” Dana gasped, staring at my nasty wound. I put my shirt back down, looking up at Dana. “Are you ok?” she asked.

I nodded, holding my arms together. “Now I’m worried he’ll come after me and do what he did to those two people,” I admitted. I wasn’t normally one to admit to being scared, but at this moment, I was beyond scared. Who wouldn’t be? This masked murderer ate your kidney and is coming after you, everything about that is scary.

Dana grabbed my hands and stared me straight in the eye. “Xayla, you are the toughest, bravest, smartest person I know. I know how well you can fight, and hell, you can do anything perfectly! You are not going to fall because of this crazy guy. Don’t be scared, you’ll be fine. I bet you can beat his ass if you tried!” Dana exclaimed, looking at me with that positivity in her eyes.

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