Chapter 20:

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Chapter 20:

Eyeless Jack’s Point of View:

My mask felt frozen to my face, and it was becoming unbearable. The proxies had removed their masks, also not liking the feeling of a mask sticking to their skin. Unlike me, they had no problem with taking off their mask.

I did. I hated it when someone would look at my face, I just don’t like the feeling. A mask allows me to avoid being stared at.

We had been walking for hours, and the snow had not stopped. The choppers had been long gone, which was smart of them. This was dangerous weather. I had been shivering, trudging through my snow. Luckily, Xayla was still warm and asleep.

The Slenderman was far ahead of the main group, and his proxies led the rest of the pasta monsters, making sure no one literally froze. I felt as if my bones were made of ice, and I was unable to feel my fingers.

“You ok there, Jack?” I heard Masky ask as he walked beside me. I walked at the front of the group, wanting to be the first to get to our destination. I glanced at the proxy, seeing that he was wearing a thick scarf around his face.

I nodded. “You seem pretty cold,” he chattered.

“We are all cold,” I said back, looking down at Xayla. Masky looked at Xayla as well, shaking his head slowly.

“You should have just left her at the mansion. She is probably the reason you are looking so bleak,” Masky sighed. I ignored this. I had grown attached to Xayla, I wont deny that anymore.

As he said that, the Slenderman appeared in front of his proxy, making us stop walking and me. “How is everyone holding up?” the Slenderman asked, seeming as if the storm were nothing.

I was about to reply until I started to feel Xayla shiver in my arms. I held her closer to me, trying to stop her from getting cold, but it wasn’t working. If anything, she got worse.

The Slenderman sighed, starting to walk. The group started to walk again, and I continued to try to warm Xayla up.

“We are going to find somewhere to camp until this snow stops, I just wanted to get everyone out of the mansion. We’d be discovered if we stayed…” the Slenderman sighed, looking over his shoulder to the group of the pasta monsters who decided to follow the Slenderman’s lead.  He had a good point, but what if we all just freeze out here? That wouldn’t help either.

Just as I thought that, I felt myself trip over a large object on the ground. I manage to keep my footing and not drop Xayla, thank goodness, but I didn’t know what I tripped over.

Masky, the Slenderman and I turned to the object and saw that it wasn’t a object. It was a person. He was facing the ground and was covered in snow. Masky grabbed the man and flipped him on his back so we could see who it was.

Instead of just a random person, I recognized him immediately. It was Laughing Jack. His eyes were open and his mouth was ajar. Laughing Jack was a color of blue, and his clothing was torn.

“Well we found ‘em,” Masky said, “Wonder why he’s all the way out here. All frozen and shit.”

“He’s dead,” the Slenderman said in a grave voice. My head snapped up to the faceless demon.

Masky grew pale to what he had just heard, and I’m sure I had too. Laughing Jack was granted immortality from Zalgo, just like I had. “What?” I asked, my voice weak from this.

The Slenderman faced me, then repeated himself. “He is dead.”

“That is impossible,” I argued, hearing everyone approach behind us. “Zalgo—he told us that we were immortal. That we were all going to live forever.” This can’t be. Laughing Jack, as much as I hated that buffoon, couldn’t be dead.

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