Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

Eyeless Jack’s Point of View:

It was merely a day later when we heard news of the troop Zalgo had sent out. All but one of the group returned. All but Jeff.

“Where is Jeffrey?!?” Zalgo demanded, standing over Masky. Masky looked terrified, and I knew that because of the way he stood. He was frozen in fear. The Slenderman noticed his panicked proxy, and quickly went to his side to defend him.

“Stand down, Zalgo! Frightening my proxy will bring you no answer!” The Slenderman hissed, his tentacles slithering out. I was currently watching what was going on, curious on how Zalgo will react to the Slenderman telling him to stand down.

No one orders Zalgo to do anything.

Zalgo glared at the Slenderman, balling his large hands. “Step aside,” Zalgo snapped, his glare with the Slenderman unbreakable. Masky was still frozen, so Hoody and Natalie guided him towards them to calm him down.

Jane was sobbing, and I was surprised to see this. Not once have I seen her cry before. All that remained was Ticci Toby, who looked calm compared to the others. The Slenderman went to aid his proxy from his fright, allowing Zalgo to go speak with Ticci Toby.

“Explain what happened,” Zalgo ordered.

“Jeff was captured,” Toby answered simply.

I uncrossed my arms, letting them fall to my side. Zalgo grew slightly bigger in anger, his eyes burning red. “What?!?” he boomed. Ticci Toby did not look as calm anymore, and he started to twitch. “God damn that child!” Zalgo snapped.

“We must retrieve him!” Jane said, wiping her tears. Ah, so that was the reason she was crying. She had feelings for Jeff. Seeing Jane react when Jeff was captured made me think of Xayla, and how I had just abandoned her.

Was she reacting the same way? I shuddered, shaking the thought away.

“Who would be foolish enough to do so?” Zalgo asked.

I stepped up. “Me,” I answered, a plan sparked in my mind. Zalgo beckoned me to a room to speak privately, since this decision was a bad one, from what he thinks.

In the room, Zalgo shut the door with great force. “Eyeless Jack, I’ve always been fond of you. You never get into trouble, and you follow orders rather well… But that request you made to make someone immortal has given me second thoughts. And now you are going to risk your own self by chasing after Jeff? Have you gone mad?” Zalgo asked, crossing his arms.

“Perhaps I have, Zalgo,” I said, then continued, “But I’m proposing a deal. If I were to go after Jeff, since he is needed in our fight against the Government, I need you to make that mortal immortal.”

Zalgo glared at me. “You are fool,” he said simply, “Risking your life for a mortal and a child… But you are right when you said we need Jeff. He is very important, so I shall accept your offer. Now tell me the mortal’s name and she’ll become immortal.”

Xayla’s Point of View:

I was suspended from my college because of the week’s I’d been absent. I had not paid for my books or classes, so they suspended me. I had never felt this alone and bored in my entire life. When I searched through the back pack Jack had packed (try saying that a bunch of times really fast), I found a black sweater just like Jacks. I assumed it was a gift. But that doesn’t make me forgive him for the fact that Jack had literally just made me fall for him and then leave me.

For good. That little ass, how could he do this to me? After all that he put me through, after all of that shit he just leaves me. I let out a sigh, and I just hugged my knees to my chest.

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