Chapter 1:

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Greetings, fellow readers! This is not my first story written, so don't worry, it wont be that terrible, I hope. This story is based off of the creepy pasta, and I would like to announce that I DO NOT OWN ANY CREEPY PASTAS. I do however own my own characters, such as Xayla. She is my own character.

This story contains:

-violent content

-sick content

-murderous content


-detailed description

If you are a young age, do NOT read this story. If you can not handle brutal scenes, do NOT read this story.

I hope you all enjoy the first chapter!

Chapter 1:

“God damn it where is my phone?” I heard Dana growl when she realized her phone was no longer on the table. I looked with her, lifting up my tray to see if it had magically slid under there. Dana’s golden curls bounced as she frantically shoved everything on the table aside. “What the hell?!? How does my phone just disappear. Xayla are you fucking with me? Give me my phone,” Dana growled, her brown eyes locked with my dark blues.

With a smirk, I did as she asked. I pulled her phone from my pocket and slid it gently on the table. “You need to be careful, I saw this guy wanting to take it and I knew he’d take it without you seeing it so I took it,” I explained with a smile.

Dana smiled too, then smacked my shoulder. “Geez, Xayla, just tell me next time!” Dana giggled, looking over her shoulder to see if the guy I was talking about was still there. “As I was saying, I’m probably going to drop out of college. I just can’t handle it, you know?”

My smirk was quickly replaced with a frown hearing that. Dana noticed my expression, and quickly explained. “Were you even paying attention? All this semester, I barely can even show up to my classes! My mom has been getting worse…  and I have to watch her 24/7 with all these crazy people running around at night,” Dana explained once more. She’s been trying to get me to support her dropping out of college. I will never support that. She has been my friend for as long as I can remember, and I wanted me and her to go through college together.

“Why don’t you just like, I don’t know, put her into a retirement home or something. They’ll take her,” I said, grabbing one of my French fries and eating it.

Dana shook her head slowly. “No, I can’t let that happen. Besides, all of the old people in the retirement home are crazy. Have you ever been there? It’s like an asylum,” Dana said, frowning. My frown was still apparent on my face.

With a sigh, I said, “I guess you’ll just go then. I mean, I have plenty of troubles of my own yet you don’t see me dropping out?” Dana looked into my eyes, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

Just as I graduated high school, my mother died in her sleep. No, she wasn’t murdered, but she just… died. My father went crazy and attempted to kill me, and when he failed he killed himself. I never understood why he tried to kill me, but he did say that he is going to kill me so that we all go to heaven together to be with my mother again.

I was going to just move in with my grandmother, but she is barely capable of taking care of herself, let alone me with her. So I just continued to live in the same house. I have to pay all of the bills, taxes, and all that shit with it.

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