New Life more Problems♡

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The last thing I remember was running from someone no something. I was able to get away from my pursuers. I stumbled into this village hidden in the forest. That's where a man by the name Hatake Kakashi took me in. It's been a couple of years since then. I remember only the horror of a masacured clan. I will never forget the monster I inherited. While stuck in my thoughts I forgot about the fact I was in class.

" Shit, I'm stuck here when I could be training my ninja hound. I'm tired of hearing about things I already know." I tried talking low so no one could hear but I seem I caught a certain duck boy's attention.

" If you already knew this why don't you just go take the Chunin exams. Oh yeah you can't your not strong enough!" Oh Sasuke that idiot.

" Look who is talking birdbutt." My voice was really low and it's rare I get loud.

" What did you just call me shortie!" Now he pissed me off I was only an inch shorter then Naruto.

" SHUT UP BIRD~BUTT!" He was pissed and so were his fans in the background.

" Are you sure you want to go there you'll regret it." I was bored tired and pissed so screw it.

" I want to see you try, Duckbutt!" I grinned getting fangirls pissed.

" You brought this on yourself remember that Amai." His cold serious face was back and it made the girls in our class swoon.

" Dream on bird boy." My light smile made a group of boys blush hard. I even made an adorable facial expression when I looked over at Naruto, which made fanboys pop out of no where trying to take a picture.

" Shit!" Me and Sasuke said at the same time. I ran toward the window but was blocked by Ino and Sakura. I looked over at Sasuke and he had some cocky grin on his face. But that soon changed when ran toward him and tied my Chakra rope around him. I smiled as I did hand symbols and left Sasuke there. I whistled to get all the girls attention.

" He is all yours so have fun!" With a giggle I blew a kiss at Sasuke and disappeared. I was able to run to the forest and climb a tree.

" His face was priceless. Well I guess he would find me soon but I do have time to eat lunch. Aww dam I left my lunch with papa. Good thing I bought lemons for home on my way to school!" As I took out a bunch of lemons I felt someone's Chakra near by and moving toward me real fast. Hiding my presence I looked at a clearly angry Sasuke looking for someone.[ Lemon Warning]

" Wow, you look like a mess! You should of not started it you would have never had to deal with that abuse. Oh and Sasuke I didn't know you liked being tied up so much!"
I grinned getting Sasuke angrier then he already was. His clothes looked like the girls did a number of things and he had red lip marks on his face and neck.

" Oh really Amai. You shouldn't stand above people with a skirt." His smile became a bit perverted as he looked up at me.

" Oh it's so on! I'm going to kill you!" I jumped off the tree with amazing speed. I was able to catch him fast pinning him against a tree.

" Don't try me pervy Uchiha! You'll regret it!" He smiled moving closer so we were inches apart he moved toward my ear.

" Make me." Shit I don't know what I'm going to do. I smiled, I got an idea. Moving closer so our lips were inches apart I looked in his eyes and shoved a lemon in his mouth, [Lemon Over]. Running away I smirked at him.

" Catch me if you can!" I disapeared to a place he couldn't get me. I went home where papa was reading some hentai book.

" What are you doing home this early?"

" Papa I was getting chased by a perverted boy so ran here!"

" Well, you should go train your ninja hound Midnight. Oh please pick up groceries and if you have extra money buy somethings for yourself. " Through papa's mask I could see his smile I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked out leaving my mask.

I did my grocery shopping fast and started walking to the clothing store and bought a mask, a new chakra rope, wrist protectors, hood, and combat boots. While walking home I was stopped by a group of girls.

" Amai how dare you! You put our dear Sasuke in the worst predicament! You lewd slut kissed our prince's sweet lips and will pay!" Ino yelled at me. I stopped as I noticed Sakura and some girl in our class I think her name was Mei looked at me with glares.

" What are you talking about? I only shoved a lemon in his mouth I never kissed him or...anyone for that matter." Blushing pink I turned to only see a fist. Hitting the ground hard I hit my head. Sitting up I felt blood drip from my head.

" Liar! Stop lying we know what you did!" Sakura screamed at me. Mei kicked my stomach making me cough up blood.

" Why the fuck would I lie about that?" With my answer came another punch. Followed by a kick.

" I hope you'll regret touching Sasuke, bitch! Now for a reminder to see everyday!" Ino and Sakura had wide eyes at Mei.

" I think she had enough! Mei stop it! Your going to kill her!" Sakira yelled out. I looked up and smiled. My vision was blurry and I felt light headed. Lifting my hand I raised my middle finger up.

" See you bitches in hell." Coughing more blood I looked up to see anger bubble up in Mei.

Looking toward in the trees I noticed immediately Sasuke hiding. He's watching me get beaten I thought we were friends...

" Shut up!" Mei yelled making swift movements with her hands. In seconds a shadow came up around me. I felt a burning pain all over my body.

Once the darkness was gone I was left bruised and bloody.

Once the darkness was gone I was left bruised and bloody

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Leaving me lying alone the girls ran off. Getting up I walked to my things almost falling. Tear streamed down my cheeks. I lost balance and fell. I waited for impact from the ground but it never came. Looking up I saw the person I never wanted to see, Sasuke. Pushing him off I had tears.

" I thought maybe we were friends but I now know my mistake! I won't make it again..." With that I teleported to my room. Falling on my bed I let my tears fall.

" Please, let this just be a nightmare."

~~~~~~~~Sasuke POV~~~~~~~~~~

She got me pissed when she teased me like that. I will get my revenge. I have an idea on how. I walked toward Ino, Sakura, and some girl I never met but hey she swooned over me like other girls so it was perfect.

" Hey g-guys." I made myself turn pink and used fake tears.

" Sasuke what's wrong!" Of course they yelled at the same time, so annoying.

" Amai she kissed me and tried to rape me!" Their faces went dark as they ran shouting they would kill her.
But what they did was too much. They beat her to death. No matter how much I wanted to know if she was okay I froze. She almost fell but I caught her. She pushed me away from her with tears in her eyes and teleported home. I can't believe what happened, please let this be just a dream.

This is a fanfiction that I was planning to do for a while. This won't replace Pretty Little Psycho but while I'm re-watching assassination classroom I would update this fanfic so enjoy. You found out the reason she hates Sakura and Sasuke in this chapter so remember this well! Please give suggestions, comment, vote, share!

Updated~ 11/11/16

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