The Wolf (part 1) ♡

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I panicked! I tried to show Sasuke that I was only changing because of the dark chakra from the field of tainted flowers but he ended up falling! I caught him before he could fall and hit his head but instead I hurt my arm. I pulled the really heavy boy onto my back and ran through the field that almost made me go all crazy. I think these flowers are made with the same energy Sōru dorei and 'it' use to give me power. For some reason as I run through these fields my body becomes heavier even in this form. I really need to get out of here before this energy let's that thing out.

'Hey having trouble with the idiot on your back? I have an idea kill him! You'll feel better. The thrill of killing people is in your blood! Come on you won't miss him you didn't miss your dead little boyfriend!' I know that voice it sounds like Haru but it's laced with evil. I found a giant tree with a hollow trunk. I laid my sleeping idiot of know what I don't know what we are.

He started to stir so I laid next to him. I drifted to sleep to tehe sound of his heart beat. Little did I know this was the last day I would ever be close to the one I love. Wait I don't love him I can't...

' That's right let me take the wheel. Just sleep little girl. I'll save you all over again all you need to do is let go.' The voice was soothing almost luring I couldn't stop listening.

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It was short and took me a long time. Please bear with me. Plus this fanfic is coming to an end very soon. :(
There will be a sequel sooner or later if I'm up to it. Remember to comment, share, and follow!

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