The Nightmare I could never wake from ♡

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I was told to go back to the village instead of finishing the job because of my wounds not completely healing. I was pretty pissed but hey it's better then me completely going out of control and killing myself in the process. I guess while I'm here I could help out the hokage or even try not being a depressing wreck. It's been a couple of days since I left to the village and I haven't heard from Papa or the others. I wanted to clear up my head because I haven't been myself lately. I was walking into the forest.

Am I really me? I can't remember the last time I smiled truly except when I was with Sakura and Naruto. I want to keep them safe but I can't be close to them and do that, I have to push them away to save them. That means I can't stay here in the village. I have to leave and train myself to control that thing inside of me. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't realize I walked outside the village. I felt a presence of someone I never wanted to see again unless it was when I was ripping his heart out. I felt a chill down my spine as I looked him in the eyes.

" It's been a long time Amai. I've waited a long time for you to meet me. What's wrong are you scared of me? You should be. I have a present for you and trust me you'll love it." His red eyes pierced into my soul with each word he made me shake and tremble. I felt fear freeze my body and anger burn my chest.

" W-why are you here I-Itachi? Why d-did you come here? What are you going to d-do to me?" I couldn't stop trembling. The last time I saw him he killed everyone I loved and cared about. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. My body was heavy and my face burned as my breaths became slow and forced. I tried to move but my legs gave in making me drop to the floor. I looked up to see Itachi in front of me with some vial filled with a pink liquid.

" Sorry about this but he needs to be happy. The only thing I want is for him to not be alone forever even if I can't see his smile. Amai you can never remember anything after I do this you won't remember what was in that scroll or the prophesy of the demon clan. You will fulfill the prophesy unknowingly. Goodbye for now Amai Demonite." Itachi shoved the vial into my mouth forcing me to drink the liquid. Everything then just turned dark I couldn't escape that darkness.

^^^ Sasuke's POV ^^^

It took a while but we got back from our mission. I felt a little bad that I made Kakashi tell Amai to go home but I couldn't risk it. I don't want to see her get hurt again. I tried to find her but when I went to all the places she usually goes to she wasn't there. This isn't like her but how should I know I just hurt her whenever I'm close. I'll just go on a walk outside the village. It's the one place I could think clearly. I was walking when I noticed a body lying on the ground. Who the hell could that be? I looked closer realizing it was Amai. I ran toward her putting her head on my lap.

" Amai wake up! Wake up Amai! Crap she isn't responding! Amai please, wake up!" I can't lose her not now. Dam wake the hell up. When I was about to give up I felt someone grab my neck. I looked to see Amai smiling in my arms with her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me into a hug.

" Sasuke-kun why am I here? I don't remember why or how I got here." Wait Amai added kun to my name. She used to do that before she hated me. Something isn't right, this isn't the Amai I know.

" Amai do you like me?" She looked at me wide eyed and her face turned bright red.

" B-baka why would you ask that you BAKA! I um-err I don't wanna answer that! B-baka!" Okay that was unexpected. I knew something was wrong she isn't really Amai or could she? I need to bring her to Kakashi. Amai was clinging to me just like Sakura or Ino.

" Amai we need to go see Kakashi sensei. Let's go." She smiled and grabbed my hand and ran toward the village. I don't know what's going on but from what I could tell this isn't Amai. I want the Amai that I know and lov-like back.

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