A Friend♡

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^^^^3rd POV^^^^

It had been a couple of days since their trial with Kakashi. Amai had not said a word to her father let alone her teammates. Amai started wearing a mask everyday with a scarf to make sure no one saw her mouth even when eating. She was hiding something from everyone. She started changing into how she was before she came to the village. Her teeth became sharper like a wild wolf's her eyes looked more animalistic then human. She started wearing gloves to hide the claws she grew the night before. Today they were going on a mission to escort a man to a village. The man they were escorting was complaining about us based on looks.

" This girl could barely break a toothpick how could she protect me!" Amai bit her lip to hold back her anger.

" Look at the midget with the idiotic grin."

" Ha, who is the midget with an idiotic grin!" Sakura and Sasuke lined up. Sasuke was the tallest next sakura and lastly Naruto. They had to hold him back from killing the poor guy.

^^^^Amai's POV^^^^

I was able to hold back my demon as long as I kept my cool but not talking to anyone might have been much. We were walking when I walked over a puddle. It had not rained all day so the puddle was misplaced. Idiotic ninjas are annoying. But only one ninja made my heart hurt a bit when he was close to me. I guess I have a soft spot for that little boy.

I heard something in the trees so I got ready for an attack so did the others. Two ninjas came out and attacked us using chains on my father and "ripping" him apart. The others screamed but I was silent I know he was alive but the others didnt and if I said anything it would ruin his entrance. Those ninja went after Naruto next but I ran to defend the boy who froze.

" Naruto help I can't hold them for too long!" I was feeling weak I was changing and in order to fully change I need to die...again. I need mental help I keep needing to die. Naruto despite my screams couldn't move, so one of the ninja cut me while I was shielding Naruto. I pushed him to the ground and took a beating. That's when papa finally showed up. I was losing blood and me talking made my change move faster. I blacked out as I heard voices calling my name.

I woke up in a room. I saw a woman there tending to my wounds. I was a bit pissed my papa showed up at a late time again and now I'm hurt.

" Amai your awake. Your wounds healed but your curse is getting worse. I did have some herbs that slowed the transformation. Please to heal you must not get to angry or else the transformation would be more painful and it should be." The lady knew more about what was happening then I did. She helped me out in a big way. I smiled at her showing her my wolf teeth which made her giggle.

" Your clothes were damaged so I started fixing them but while you and your father are injured you have to stay here. I do have some clothes if you want to wear them." Her warm smile made me smile and feel genuinely happy. I did realize I was in my underwear and grabbed the clothes as the lady left I started changing. While I was changing the door opened and Sasuke walked in.

" Hey, Amai they told me to bring your weapons so....." His face was slightly red and then got redder as he stared at me. My face became as red as a tomato and I swore there was steam coming out of my head.

" Sasuke learn to knock. Now, get the fuck out I'm changing! You Pervy Uchiha! " He was frozen so I started throwing kunai at him. When he finally left I finished changing. I was wearing a mask, a blue shirt that went past my waist and fishnet pants, boots with bandages around them, I had a chakra rope tied around me like a bow, I wore my normal gloves. I finally went downstairs to the rest of the team. I was pissed and the fact that my teeth bite into my tongue made everything much better [Sarcasm]. I couldn't look Sasuke in the eye and neither could he.

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