It wasn't a Nightmare♡

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I woke up hoping it was a dream. I was mistaken. I couldn't see through my right eye. I slowly got up moving hair to that side covering my swollen eye.

" Crap I look horrible! At least I won't have to deal with fan boys!" Letting out a dry laugh I started getting ready. Putting on my  black cropped hoodie, a black mask, light blue shorts, and fishnet stockings and gloves. Trying to avoid papa I tried to sneak out the door. Key word 'trying'.

" Amai show me your eye now!" He caught me.

" No I need to get to class and I'm fine papa it's just a scratch!" Laughing nervously best way to get out fast good one Amai!

" Oh dear daughter of mine since your not showing me your eye I'll walk you to school." His devilish smile shown through his mask.

" Only if you bring me on time or else I'm leaving without you!" With a nod he ran off in minutes he was next to me holding my hand. As I entered the doors I saw my papa disapear. I walked fast to class seeing Ino's and Sakura's faces. I glared with disgust as I tried to sit in my seat but my arm was grabbed. I turned to see Sasuke.

Sasuke: " Are you okay t-they went too far."

" Stay away from me Uchiha! You could of stopped them but you didn't!  If you didn't want it to go that far then you would of done something about it, am I right or wrong?! In fact you believe yourself to be strong when you can't even grow a pair just to save someone!" For once I screamed drawing attention to me and Sasuke. I was angry he was my friend and he betrayed me. I needed him but he wasn't there I had his back when there were girls harassing him but he always hurt me in some way! He used me and threw me away and I wanted to make his life a living hell.

Sasuke: " Amai lower your voice people are staring." He tried to calm me down.

" NO! I won't ever listen to a monster like you! In fact I want you to see everyday what you did to me! I'm making sure you know what it's like to be looked down on! In fact I want you to feel my pain you know that feeling of having your trust and heart shattered to pieces!"

Sasuke: " Amai I-I'm..."  This triggered something and my eyes once full of life became lifeless.

" Don't you dare think I would ever forgive you! I want you to never be part of my life ever again! I'm done feeling anything about anyone especially you, it's sad how naive a girl could be. It's sad how naive I was I liked you Sasuke but now I realized your only a pretty face with nothing else! Goodbye Uchiha!" I felt like crying. The day I was hurt the moment I needed him most I was all alone I lost everything that made me like him. I loved when he would be by my side but I realized he was just walking past me. I walked to my seat as I saw Ino and Sakura walk up to me.

" What do you two want? Oh let me guess beat the crap out of me or call me names [Sarcasm]. If you want to apologize don't bother I don't want it. I only want you to know I despise all three of your existences." I glared at them. They walked back with tears in their eyes. Our instructor walked in.

" Everyone probably already heard about being put into groups most consisted of three people except for one group seven. I will call out names for the groups..." I tuned out everything and didn't care for the groups until I heard my name.

" Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Amai-!" He was interrupted by me clearing my throat.

" Don't finish your sentence Iruka sensei. I don't have a last name." He looked at me confused and realized my name and nodded. Naruto was upset Sasuke was in his group and I agree he is a dick.

" You four are in group seven with your instructor, wait he is late again!" Our sensei ran out looking for our sensei. I realized the only junin that is late, no, no!

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