The Wolf (part 2) ♡

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" Kami wake up!" Oh that voice it's Sasuke. This little ninja is her love. She finally let her guard down so now I get to play. I'll have a little more fun before she wakes up.

- - 3rd POV - -

Kami slowly woke up from her slumber. Her sweet smile and different attitude could steer away others but oddly Sasuke didn't care.

" I'm awake. But are you okay? You fell and I didn't know what to do! If I lost you I wouldn't know how I could forgive myself!" Tears fell from the girls eyes as she held Sasuke close to her. After a few seconds his arms wrapped around her.

" Sasuke I have to tell you something..." The girl said in a sweet girly voice. Please tell me Sasuke is smart enough to notice...

"Of course. What's the matter?" Wow I gave him too much credit. Kami looked up from Sasuke's chest and pulled him in kissing his lips.

'What the hell are you doing! Stop it Amai! Please don't do this! If you make him think I could then when the time comes...It will destroy him!' The voices going through Kami's head sound just like herself if she is who she says she is.

" I wanted to tell you that your extremely stupid! How can you say you love me but don't notice the painfully obvious! Kami sure chose someone who has looks but no brains!" Sasuke looked at her for a second and realized her eyes are red. Her hair slowly changed it's color to a black.

" Who the hell are you and where is Kami?!" 'Kami's' smile grew crazed as she could feel Sasuke's fear deep in his heart. She couldn't help but laugh at how he thought she was going to kill him so early.

" How sweet! You think I'm going to kill you! Don't worry I won't kill you but for Kami she'll have to never leave her caged mind again! If you think I'm the bad guy just think about the fact she knows where Itachi is and never told you! Oops that was supposed to be a secret!" Sasuke looked at the laughing 'demon' with pure hatred and anger.

" No she wouldn't do that! Stop lying!" Her smile only grew. Just like her plans. She couldn't stop laughing.

" How stupid are you?! You should know by now that she loves you but could never be with you! She belongs to Itachi not you! Oops I forgot to tell you she was arranged to marry Itachi Uchiha! Your so idiotic you didn't know your brother is here with us and I have a feeling it's going to be interesting!" Sasuke showed a bunch of emotions in his eyes. He was hurt, anger, and he felt like a knife was plunged into his back.

" No you have to be lying! She would never do that to me! She would never..." For once in a long time tears flew from his eyes. The one he loved would be the one who broke him. The girl before him wasn't Kami it was something from the story books a monster.

Kami was locked in a box in her heart watching as the one she loved cried hurt and batrayed. The monster inside wasn't a demon but a god one of death. She called out but no one heard.

" You are way different then I remembered Kami-chan. Last time you wanted to kill me but now you say your going through with the arrangement." Itachi came from the shadows. The twisted girl smiled a smile that showed her pointed teeth perfectly.

" You bastard!" Sasuke ran at Itachi. But was thrown to the wall by a giant white wolf. The wolf's eyes had red tears dripping from them. Sasuke's eyes widened and showed one emotion Kami never wanted to see...Heartbreak.

" Oh look at that face it was priceless! That little girlfriend of yours is crying her eyes out! I should give her some credit she only remembered when I gave back part of her soul! I wonder how much it'll hurt if I have some fun of my own with loverboy?" Kami cried from inside the box as she felt her heart rip and shatter.

" I can't care less about how she feels. You want to know what I think about her tears? I would think she would waste it on someone who actually cared. I knew you were lying it takes a liar to know a liar." His face was rid of emotions and only had his signature smirk spread across it. The wolf turned back to the girl her hair turning back to it's normal silver and her eyes their bright blue. Tears poured from her eyes.

" A liar that's what you were? Was everything we shared a lie?! I should of known better then to trust you! I trusted you the first time but you hurt me before and now you hurt me again! That's what I get for falling in love! I hope I see you in hell Sasuke Uchiha then I'll be able to kill you myself!" Kami's left eye turned blood red with black around it the other eye became bright blue like the sky and black around it. Wolf ears appeared on her head one black the other white, two tails appeared one black the other white.

Sasuke stood there shocked at the girl before him. She walked toward Itachi and pulled him kissing his lips. She turned and smirked this wasn't the other sides inside controlling her for once she was in total control. She grabbed Itachi's hand signaling to leave.

" Come on Ita-kun he's too weak to complete the mission." As they walked away tears spilled from the girl's blue eye.

The figures disapeared from the sight of the now crying Sasuke. From the shadows someone who was the start of it all watched as the two fated to be broke each other's heart.

" Only I know the truth and they have the answers to the biggest question left. What do you do now?" From the shadows the boy hiding asked a sewn doll in his hands.

" Don't worry Haru is coming to save you my love..."

A/N: It's almost over. The tears. Anyway I am sorry for not updating but hey there is so serious shit coming in the second book that would be out once I finish my other books. Hope you liked this book and I will be editing this fanfiction.

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