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All I could remember was waking up next to a sleeping boy. I could see his faint smile and tears as he slept on my chest. I looked around the hospital room only to find my papa and the rest of the boys on my team sleeping in chairs near my bed. I slowly got up making sure not to wake up the sleeping Sasuke on top of me. I tried to move out of bed but was caught by someone's hand.

" Where do you think your going Kami? Your supposed to be in bed resting." I wasn't that good at not waking up Sasuke. I turned with a dorky grin and mischievous glint in my eyes.

" Oh and you were supposed to stay put weren't you? If my mind serves me right you were. Does that mean you didn't listen to the others?" I was giving the innocent sarcasm tone. Sasuke had a light pink color spread across his face. I took that as my opportunity to escape the hospital. I hate hospitals they wreak of sadness. I pulled out of his grip and turned toward the door and he was already in front of me. I quickly turned and used hand signs to disappear. I know he will find me soon. I was in the forest on a tree branch eating a lemon I picked on my way here.

" What's with you and lemons Kami? Wait I should call you Amai or even my little nickname for you my little kitten! You thought I was dead didn't you? I'm back for you aren't you happy? Oh, I know if I change who I am you'll smile! How about seeing your parents again or even your little sister maybe even your first love!" I couldn't believe my eyes it was him the man who created my nightmares. I used to think my life was just a nightmare and I would soon wake up in my mother's arms. This man showed me that the world I was in wasn't a dream and no matter how many times I sang myself to sleep that song was the only thing I got even remotely close to a dream.

" You can't do anything to me ever again! I'm free from you and those nightmares! I am finally free from my nightmares..." I could see his face change into a smile. His body slowly disappeared and mold together like some clay. What I saw was something I would never forget the reason I can't be with Sasuke or anyone for that matter.

" H-haru. I'm sorry please don't leave me again!" He looked in my eyes full of fear and started to speak.

" Your a monster! Your a filthy criminal! Your a murderer you deserve to burn in hell with the rest of your clan!" I looked at him with horror as I saw him pick up a torch lighting me and what was once a forest on fire. I woke up screaming and crying. Why the hell am I always having nightmares!

" Kami it's okay it was just a dream! I'm right here by your side. Go to sleep nothing is going to hurt you anymore. Goodnight, love you." The last part was low but I still heard. I looked next to me in the same hospital bed. Sasuke sure is determined. Usually I would probably throw knives at him but after what happened a couple days ago in my head I've gone along with his attempts of getting me to say I love you.

" Just go to sleep dummy." I wish I could wrap my arms around him and tell him I loved him. I promised Haru I would only be with him. He's dead so I don't know if he would want me to fall in love with someone else or would he want me to even think about him anymore. I was the reason he died and I am the reason he went crazy and killed Nanami. I want to hate him but can't I want to love him but can't. I want to be with Sasuke but I can't I mean I could but can't. I hate not knowing what to do!

^^^^Sasuke's POV^^^^

It's been about three days since I told her I loved her. For some reason she was being quiet and to herself since we got back. We've both been told to stay in the hospital while we heal a bit more. Everyday I hear her screaming and it hurts every time. Since the first day in the hospital I started to sleep next to Kami to make her feel safe. It worked sometimes and other times it didn't. For a while now she has been talking in her sleep. Even now as I lay next to her she tosses and turns mumbling about people she knows.

" Please no, don't leave me! Please it hurts don't go! I loved you and you just left me all alone! Why did you have to do it!" I couldn't help but get scared of what she was saying.

Was she thinking about me or does she actually love someone else? I want to know what she was dreaming about. She seems so happy at the beginning of each dream but ends with tears, I want to protect her but how could I save her from something she won't tell me about?

" Kami it's okay it was just a dream! I'm right here by your side. Go to sleep nothing is going to hurt you anymore. Goodnight, love you." I looked at her deep in her eyes as she laid down again on my chest and smiled.

" Go to sleep dummy." I loved when she would tell me she cared behind her words. While others heard harsh words I heard 'I love you too'. One day I will get her to say those words. I held her close to me and the rest of the night was peaceful. It was short lived when tomorrow began. If I knew what was going to happen I would have never let her leave this room.

^^^^ 3rd POV ^^^^

Kami woke up earlier then Sasuke by only a couple of minutes. Kami was able to get out of bed and changed before the sleeping boy could wake. Once Sasuke was awake Kami could only be surprised at his actions. Sasuke grabbed her pulling her into a kiss more passionate then the one they shared in her thoughts. Once he pulled away the girl before him couldn't help but smile.

" Don't scare me like that ever again. Today we have to do a mission only us though. We have to retrieve some flowers for some old lady deeper into the forest. We should head out soon it'll take three days on the mission."

How the hell does he just kiss a girl and talk about a mission like nothing just happened?! Kami couldn't help but think as her heart was racing and her body heated up.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

The pair were walking toward the destination of the flowers they needed. Usually people thought it would be easy to pick some flowers. However, these flowers were special they were said to be blessed by the gods or demons depending on who picked them. The flowers were prized because of their ability to restore your chakra and health.

" Light lotus's are pretty from what I've seen! I hope I'm able to pick one to bring back to the village! They could change all kinds of colors like the sky when the sun goes down!" Kami realized she was rambling and stood quiet. Sasuke however liked how cute she looked when she was excited. His mind decided on retrieving a bunch of those flowers just for her.

" I love it when you smile it's pretty..." Sasuke whispered making sure Kami couldn't hear.

" Did you say something Sasuke?" Sasuke only looked away blushing as they reached the plain were the flower should be growing. That's what they thought but what was really beyond the forest was shocking. Before Sasuke could tell Kami to run away she hit the ground screaming.

" It hurts! Help me! I don't want to change into that again! Please no mo-Rawww!" Before Kami could finish her sentence she changed into a white wolf beast. Sasuke could only stare at the blue eyed white haired wolf before him.

" Kami are you alright?! Come on answer!" Kami looked at Sasuke with eyes of a wild animal looking at it's prey. Kami let out a loud howl that echoed threw not only the field of flowers but the forest. Before Sasuke could do anything everything went dark...


I'm not dead but was on vacation without wifi. I know I cried too. Anyway this is a short chapter a bit of a filler because like I'm lazy. I've been writing a new story about Avatar the last airbender and like it takes a lot out of me. That means my updates would get slower especially with the fact I'm starting school. I hope you enjoyed even though I butchered this chapter. Remember Vote, Comment, Share, or follow! I love your support!

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