Chapter 5: Zabuza

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"Our destination isn't far now. The Land of Waves is just up ahead," murmured the man rowing your small row boat. You had no idea how he knew, due to it being so foggy. The fog was so thick, you could barely see three feet in front of you. Suddenly, a massive shape loomed up ahead. You assumed this was the bridge, but you had no clue it would be so big.
"Whoa, it's huge!" Naruto yelled, his voice getting swallowed up in the fog.
"Quiet fool, why do you think we're travelling like this, in a row boat surrounded by thick fog!" The man rowing whispered urgently. Naruto put his hand to cover his mouth.
Kakashi then asks Tazuna, "So how come we were attacked by ninja? I thought this was a simple C-rank mission?"

"Well, you see... There's a man out there... You have probably heard of him. Gato. He took over the Land of Waves about a year ago. He will do almost anything to keep me from completing this bridge, since it will connect the Land of Waves to the mainland. If that happens, he will have no choice but to leave the Land of Waves for good." He explained.

"But I don't understand," Kakashi said. "Why did you put this mission as a C-rank mission. A mission of this level should be at least a B-rank or higher."

"The Land of Waves is a poor nation. We don't have the money to pay for a B-rank mission. We had no choice." Tazuna said. "But if you abandon this mission when we get to the shore, there will be no bridge. They will find me before I get back home. But don't feel bad about that. My sweet little grandson will be upset. He'll cry, 'I want my Granddad!'. And of course my daughter will only condemn the ninja from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Ah well, it's not your fault, just forget it." Tazuna said in a nonchalant voice. You all sweat dropped.
"I guess we will just have to keep on guarding him then," you say. Kakashi reluctantly nods.

When you all arrived shore, you examined your surroundings. There was lots of water, and all of the houses were on stilts or were part of the docks. You all started walking towards Tazuna's home, where you would be staying. While you were walking, you see Naruto run a little ways ahead, stopping, then throwing a kunai knife.

'Surely he didn't see something, or else I probably would have sensed it.' You think, wondering. You run over to where he threw the kunai knife, seeing a white snow rabbit.

'Wait, don't those kinds of rabbits only have white fur during winter?' you ponder, looking at Kakashi. He looks back at you, seeing you understand that the rabbit was raised indoors, most likely for a replacement technique. You quickly do a 360 degree spin around, searching for hidden chakra. You look towards Kakashi, but he was already taking out a kunai, seeing the hidden ninja in the tree. A giant sword flew out from the tree, swinging inches from your face, then sticking into a different tree. On top of the sword was standing a ninja with bandages covering some of his face, and a hidden Mist headband.

Kakashi walks a few steps toward the ninja, saying,"Well well, if it isn't Zabuza, the demon of the mist." You look at him, trying to remember if you had heard the name before. You see Naruto run towards him, but at that precise time, you remember what the bingo book said about Zabuza. He was one of the seven swordsmen ninja of the hidden mist village. You put your hand out to stop Naruto.

He looked at you angrily, but you only say, "Don't. He isn't like the other ninja from earlier. He's... much worse. Kakashi should probably handle this." Suddenly, Kakashi is lifting up the side of his mask that normally covers his left eye. And under it he reveals his Sharingan eye, making Sasuke give a small gasp. Naruto asks why Kakashi's eye was red, while the rest of you just face palmed. You hear Sakura explain to him all about how the Uchiha clan's kekkei genkai was the Sharingan eye, which had multiple different uses. Meanwhile, while the other three had taken a defensive position around Tazuna, you were standing to the side, undecided. You knew you matched Kakashi's skill level, and that could help him. But that would reveal that you had a higher level of skills to the others. You thought you could trust them, but you also thought it may be a little early to reveal everything to them, that is, if you ever did.

Suddenly, Kakashi was trapped in the water prison jutsu. You hear him tell you all to run, but none of you move.

Naruto yells, "We'll never leave our sensei to die!" After this, you immediately take action, running up towards the real Zabuza, who was holding Kakashi hostage in his prison. You run on top of the water, surprising everyone, who hadn't expected you to know chakra control. You move with grace, running towards them. But Zabuza's water clone was faster. It appeared in front of you, making you stop. It slams you on your head with it's elbow, which was surprising hard. This made stars appear before your eyes, and with your vision starting to fade away, you lose control of the chakra that was keeping you on top of the water. You feel yourself sinking, deeper and deeper to the bottom. You black out.

This chapter is a little bit shorter than my other ones, if you noticed. I didn't go into great detail with the Kakashi-Zabuza fight either, mostly because you all probably know what happens. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Stay ritzy, my friends.


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