Chapter 23: Power

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        "(y/n)! (y/n)! You've got to control it! You need to focus! Can you hear me?" Jiraiya's voice was barely audible to you. 'No one should bear this much pain at once. This.. power, it's so strong that it's ripping me apart...' Your eyes fly open. You had finally managed to snap out of it. The first thing you see when you open your eyes was Jiraiya, staring worriedly down at you. "What happened? Are you alright?" He asked, anxiety clear on his face. You shake your head. You yourself weren't really sure what had just gone down. "I did like you said. I looked deep into myself and I saw this... indescribable.. orb. I went up to it and tried to touch it, and then I was overwhelmed with power... so much power." You look down at your trembling hands, then ball them up into fist. "Power wasn't the only thing I felt, though. The pain.. it.. was unbelievable." You trail off, lost in thought. 'How did I end up with such a power source inside of me? Is that much power even possible to control?' Countless thoughts similar to those ran through your head, but one had you questioning everything: 'Why me?'
        It had started getting dark, and you and Jiraiya sensei had called off training that day. He had said that whenever you were feeling up to it, he would begin training you again. You were starved, not having eaten anything since lunch. As you walk home, you notice something in the alley way. 'What is that? Is it a person?' You hide your chakra, thinking, 'It never hurts to be too cautious.' Sticking close to the wall, you peek around the side of a building into the alley way. Your eyes widen in surprise as you take in what was happening. On the ground, there was a shinobi, probably only a chunnin. And before the shinobi, there were two men. 'I assume that those are males.' You push the thought aside as you take in the rest. The two men were holding the man by his neck, choking him. "So, where are they? You know who I'm talking about. Tell us were she is." The man getting choked struggles, but the other one doesn't budge. "I.. I don't know anything! I swear!" He manages to choke out.
        Having seen enough of it, you step into the view of the alley way. "What do you think your doing? You can't just go mugging innocent people like you please! Put him down, or else!" You yell, angry. 'Who do they think they are, wearing their strange black cloaks, with that weird red cloud on it.' One of the men steps forward, and replies,"Get lost, little girl. If you knew what was best for you, then you'd run home to your mommy."
        You frown, wondering randomly what it would be like to be able to run home to a real parent. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you yell back,"Not gonna happen! Leave him alone! This is your last warning!" The two men look at each other, then one of them says,"Why don't we take this somewhere more... private? I wouldn't want to cause to much attention right in the middle of the village." Without a warning, you charge them. 'Right here in the village is as good as place as any.' You jump in the air, then disappear. You reappear behind one of the men, then realize your mistake: There are two enemies. Before you could move, you feel a piercing pain in your left wing. Grimacing, you quickly fall back, holding your hurt shoulder, then re-access the situation. One of the men had blonde hair, and was shouting at his partner. The other one didn't even really look human. They had a long, steel tail; you couldn't really see to much more other than that.
        Knowing you were outnumbered, you realize your disadvantage. 'It wouldn't be smart to just charge in again, or else the same thing will happen as last time. Need to think..' You quickly dodge an attack that blonde had used. 'What's this strange white stuff? It's-' Your eyes widen, but you don't have time to protect yourself or move away. You throw your hands up to cover your face, but still feel heat all around you, burning your clothes and skin. 'This is bad, but I can't just leave that poor guy to fend for himself. Someone has to help him!' You look back at the guy, but he was knocked out cold on the ground. 'I guess I could use my last resort.. no. I can't just fly away in front of strangers. Besides, I haven't put up much of a fight. Maybe I could try using that light power again..'
        You knew that would be extremely risky, considering you hardly knew anything about it. Besides, you had no idea how long it would take you to find that place inside yourself again. 'But I have no other choice. If I can distract them long enough, then maybe..' Deciding to test out something, you start running away. The two men quickly run after you, keeping up easily. 'Perfect. Now I just need to find a good hiding spot..' You spy a good spot, on someone's balcony behind some furniture. You lead them into a restaurant, then run into the girl's bathroom, almost knocking over some lady. You smile broadly at your plan. Not even they would follow you into the lady's- The door makes a loud noise as it's knocked down. I can't believe they actually followed me! I guess that's my que to vanish.' You quickly use the cover of screaming girls to vanish, then reappear at the spot that you'd found earlier. 'Now to find that power again..'
        You close your eyes, then look into yourself like you had the last time. Once again, when you open your eyes, you find yourself in the room, with the strange carvings in it. And, once again, you see the beautiful ball of light, floating in the middle of the room. 'I wonder if there is a way to not take so much chakra from it at once. Last time, I filled my entire body with this thing's chakra. But maybe if I only partially filled my body with the chakra..' You walk towards the light, feeling the power before you're even there. 'Here goes nothing.' You stick just the tip of your finger in the light, and immediately feel yourself fill with energy of light. Forcing yourself to stay under control of the massive amount of chakra, you open your eyes.
        Back in the real world, you have a hard time moving without crushing something. After multiple attempts of getting up without using your hands, you finally just end up smashing whoever's furniture it was that you had been hiding behind. Leaving the balcony in ruins, you mentally remind yourself to buy them new furniture in the future. Jumping down from the balcony, you land and take off in a sprint. It would probably take you about five minutes to get back to the alley that you first saw the men at, except- 'What the hell? How am I already here? Did the chakra make me run super fast? I got here in like, under a minute. Grinning, despite your situation and the pain you were in, you say aloud,"This is the coolest thing ever! This will be like, the best way to play pranks on people."
        "What was that, little girl?" The hair on your neck stands up, and you spin around to face them. Although you had felt wiped from earlier, you were brimming with energy and chakra now. You grin, then punch him in the gut. He flies into a wall, making a decently large hole. He stands up, then yells,"Oh! It's so on now! Get ready to see my art!" He sticks his hand into a pouch, then takes out some white clay. For the first time, you notice the little mouth that each of his hands have. 'Ewww.. That's really weird and gross.' His hands spit of the clay, and the man, who looked more like a boy now that you could see him better, started to mold the clay to form the shape of an animal of some sort.
        "Will you stop making pottery and fight me? Or are you too scared of losing?" You taunt him, hoping to make him angry. However, he ignores you, which makes you somewhat mad. Without warning, he then in turn yells, "True art is an explosion! You should feel honored that you go down like this, in a piece of real art!" Then the world erupts around you in an explosion of flames.

This is unedited chapter. Thanks for reading big and getting to 3K reads! It was barely a week ago we got 2K!! Thanks a ton peoples!! Stay ritzy, my friends.


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