Chapter 11: The Chuninn Exams

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        You were laying face down on your bed, thinking over what had just happened.'Brother.. I can't believe you're here..' Your face was damp with drying tears. 'Well, I guess there's no point staying here feeling sorry for myself.' You get out of bed, walking to the bathroom. You wash up, then head out to the door. Just as you were about to open the door, you hear a knock. You open it, seeing Kakashi. "Oh, hey Kakashi sensei. Do you need something?" Kakashi replies,"Meet at the bridge in the morning, seven a.m. sharp." He 'poofs' away, leaving you standing there. 'The others are probably worried, since I made such a big scene when I saw Gaara... I just couldn't help it though..' You shake away your thoughts, walking out the door.

        You decide to go to the training grounds, since you were bored and had nothing else to do. When you arrive, you see someone's already there. You start to walk away, then you hear,"(y/n), wait up." You turn back around, seeing Sasuke. "What do you want?" You ask, somewhat bitter. He hesitates, saying,"Why.. did you react like that, when you saw Gaara?" You shake your head, muttering,"It's not important." He looks at you for a second, then shrugs. "Well, since you're here, would you like to train with me?" You reply back, "Sure, since I have nothing better to be doing."

        About an hour or so later, you were laying down next to Sasuke, exhausted and hungry from all of the training. You were sweaty and hot from all the training. "So.. why do you hate your brother so much? I mean, my brother - if I had a brother I meant - I would be... I don't know, maybe sad to see him do something wrong. But you seem to hate your brother's guts." Sasuke had immediately turned cold at the mention of his brother, but he still replied,"My brother slaughtered my entire clan. He killed our parents, and all of our friends. He didn't have the heart to kill me, I suppose." His voice was bitter. "I'm so sorry Sasuke... I had no idea.. that-" "Whatever." He says in his monotone voice. "We all have something in our lives that make us  how we are." He looks meaningfully at you, probably wondering about Gaara. "I told you my story, now you tell me yours." He says.

        "Alright then. It started when I was about six. That was the first time that I saw him... Gaara I mean. When I was about eight, they brought him to the school where I was. They said something about a 'sealing' had to be made. I had no idea what they were talking about.. until.. they came to my room. They brought me to some sort of sealing room, which they had never done before. That was the first time I saw him, in that room. They then started some sort of ceremony, I did't really know exactly what it had done. But there was the most incredible pain.. It made me black out, but when I woke up, nothing was different. At least, nothing on the outside. On the inside, I had this dark feeling... I don't know what it does, and I didn't know when it would go away. Until... just before I came to this village. I was being attacked by some thugs, and I was tired and injured. There was no way possible I could've beat them, but... just as I was about to die, something saved me.. His sand, it saved me. He explained what the ritual had actually done. It had given me some of his blood, making us blood-siblings. It had also transferred something- I won't say what, because it's not my place to say that- and he took it back. Then he was full again. And the dark feeling left me."

        Sasuke is looking at you, wide-eyed. "I don't understand though, why did you react as you did when you saw him?" You look at the ground, saying quietly,"He was my first friend, and now he's my brother. When that man performed that ceremony, I thought that Gaara had died. It.. I became broken. It nearly killed me to know that my only friend had died, due to the man that I hate so much now." Sasuke then asks one more question,"Why did he say that he thought you were dead?" You hesitate before saying,"He traveled with me for a while once he saved me. We were once attacked by these men in black cloaks, and a strange design on the cloaks. Those men captured me, and left him in a near-death state, saying something about they would come for him eventually. Although once I escaped from them, I never saw one of their cloaks again. I'm glad that I didn't too. I guess he thought that they killed me." Sasuke watches you catch your breath from talking so much, then he says,"Seems we both have rough pasts." You stare at him as he moves slightly closer to you. His head draws closer to yours, then he's kissing you. It's a blissful kiss, but it didn't last very long. You were interrupted by a rustle in the trees, then an orange streak running away. You mutter some curse words, then jump up. Sasuke looks at you, his mouth slightly open. "It's just Naruto, why are you so worried?" You shake your head, then start running after him.

        Naruto was fast, but you were faster. When you catch up to him, he spins around, facing you. He stares at you with a hurt expression, saying,"Did it mean anything to you? Or am I just some other tool for you to dump in the trash?" You stare at him, your vision starting to tear up slightly. "I- It wasn't-!" Naruto just looks at you, saying,"Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore. You'll be like every other girl, going for Sasuke. It's always Sasuke. Don't try to say sorry. It doesn't matter.." Although you didn't hear him finish, since you had blacked out.

        "(y/n)? Are you okay?" Naruto was leaning over you, looking worried. His sudden burst of anger had been pushed away by worry. "I'm so hungry..." You moan, your stomach rumbling to prove your point. He laughs a bit, responding, "Want some ramen? Ichiraku is right over there." He points. You manage a nod. When you arrive there, you yell, "Twenty bowls of miso-pork ramen!" The man looks slightly surprised, but gives you all of the bowls. After you finish eating, you realize something. "Looks like we missed Kakashi sensei's meeting place. We were supposed to be there about an hour ago." Naruto just responds,"It doesn't really matter. He's always late anyway." You laugh, feeling slightly guilty as Naruto pays for all of the food. The both of you walk towards the meeting place.

        "You're late." Kakashi says, looking annoyed. "Oh, well forgive me. It's not like you're ever late Sensei." You respond sarcastically, rewarding you with an angrier look. "That's besides the point. Anyway, I'm recommending all of you for the Chunin Exams. This is optional. (y/n), I need to talk with you." He waits while everyone looks at you. "Alone." You follow him a short ways away, out of hearing reach from the others. "In the Exams, there can be only teams of three. If all three of them decide to do this, then you will have to work alone. I know you are more than capable to do that, though. I also know that it puts you at a big disadvantage, so you will have some perks." He starts walking back to the rest of the team, with you following him. "If you would like to participate, go to the location on the form tomorrow. There, you will find the first part of the exam. If you pass that, then you will move to the second exam. Other than that, good luck to all of you." With that, he disappears, leaving the rest of you ponder his offer by yourselves.


        Hullo! Wow, this story already reached 700 views and 40 votes!!! :D Thanks a ton!!! Hope you liked this chapter! Stay ritzy, my friends!


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