Chapter 31: Finale

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        You slumped down in the tentacle, which was carrying you down back to the ground. You couldn't open your eyes, due to the intense pain of the sudden screaming headache. So much had just happened in the span of one day - or maybe night, you weren't really sure. You just wanted to be back home, where most everything made sense... scratch that. You had no idea what was happening between you and Naruto, and you and Sasuke.. Another explosion of pain rips through your head, and you hear a voice. "End them.. just let go and I will relieve you of the pain. I will set you free.." The voice said.

        You had no clue what the voice meant, but you were slightly concerned that you were hearing voices in your head. But that was the least of your worries right now. The words that had stood out to you were, 'relieve you of the pain.' That was all that mattered to you now. The pain was so insane that it couldn't even knock you out. Any normal person would've gone mad by now, but you were much stronger than the normal. But right now, all you wanted to do was relieve the pain. 'All I have to do is let go.. doesn't seem to hard at this point. But if I let go now, will I ever be the same? Will I be the same person who endured near death multiple times, the same person who kissed both Naruto and Sasuke, the same person who hates living life the way she does, the same person who trains with Jiraiya? Or would I be some completely different and normal person?... I have no other choice, though. I suppose this is the end of me. The end of this story.' You feel yourself slipping from reality, into a blackness you had never experienced before.

        'This is the end... no one is coming to save me. Not this time. Farewell, everyone.'

Naruto's POV

        Naruto casually slurped down his 16th bowl of ramen, thoughts swirling through his mind. 'Do I really like (Y/n) that much? Does she like me too? Or does she like Sasuke, like all the other girls do?' He rubbed his temples, not used to thinking so much in one sitting. "Uhhhhgggggg, I don't know what to do!" His sudden outburst caused Teuchi, the ramen guy, to turn his head from the pot of ramen to Naruto's troubled face. "What's wrong, Naruto? Maybe I could be of some help?" Naruto looks up from his bowl, staring at the man. "No, that's ok. I gotta go, see ya around!" Naruto quickly leaves the ramen shop, leaving the money on the counter.

        As he walked back towards his home, Naruto felt something. Something he had never felt before. Something in his heart, breaking. He felt like his heart was getting ripped out of him. He coughed, and was somewhat surprised that he didn't cough up blood. And he knew. Somehow, he knew. He felt his world that he thought he had known so well falling into a million tiny pieces. "No! No, this isn't happening! Ahhhh!" He screams, screaming until his throat is dry and scratchy. He knew, but didn't want to except it. He couldn't. He refused.
                                                                                              There was just no she was dead.

Jiraiya's POV

        Jiraiya walked down the road, heading towards the Hokage's office. He had been summoned for some 'urgent' mission, which he was unhappy about. He had been going to do something more important than an 'urgent' mission, and he was currently frowning as he walked up to the door that led to the office. He didn't bother knocking, and he just walked right in. The Third Hokage was sitting behind his desk, looking as if he had been waiting for Jiraiya to arrive. He stood up, and beckoned to Jiraiya to listen.

        "I need you to make sure that all of the participants of the Final Chuninn Exams are present for tomorrow. Here's a list of all of them. All you need to do is secretively locate them, then mark them off the list. That is all." Jiraiya stares at the list. His eyes focus on one name.      (Y/n).

Seeing her name there made him realize. Well, that and the sudden feeling that came over his body, a sinking feeling of departure. A feeling he'd only felt one other time. A feeling most anyone would loath. And he knew. He knew that the little girl he had found so long ago was gone. And she wasn't coming back. Not now, not ever. She was gone, forever. He didn't know how he knew, but he did. It was a gut feeling. He closes his eyes, muttering, "Why did you do this? Idiot, such an idiot.." He feels tears welling up, and he quickly wipes them away before the Hokage could notice.

        Hoping desperately that his voice was steady, he replies to the Hokage, "Alright. I'll get this back to you as soon as possible." He quickly turns and walks out, leaving the Hokage staring curiously out after him. Jiraiya examines the list once more. His eyes move over all the names once more, and then stops. He knew the one name that wouldn't have a check mark by it was hers. Because she was gone. Forever.
                                                        Sasuke's POV

        Sasuke was resting on a bench, having just finished an intense training session with Kakashi. Sakura was sitting next to him, looking at him with a look of adoration. He chugs the water then stands up, Sakura following close behind. "Hey, Sasuke. I was wondering if you and I could go out somewhere. Maybe to   -   Sasuke? Are you alright?" Sasuke had stopped walking, and had fallen onto his knees. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? I'll go find-" She stopped at his look. The look of someone that had just seen a loved one murdered in front of them. She opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. Sasuke had taken off, running. She almost followed him, but decided he might just need some time alone. 'Was it something I said?' She wondered.

        Sasuke took off running. He didn't know where he could go, but he had to run. But as much as he tried, he couldn't run away from the feelings. He hated feeling these feelings. The feeling of love. He wondered dully if it was how Sakura felt about him. He finally stopped, panting. He collapses, feeling a wetness come over his eyes. 'The only other time I felt feelings like this was when Itachi... killed them. But there's just no way, no way in hell that I've lost another person I care about.' He grips his chest where his heart is, wanting to shout. It was truly over. It was truly the end.

        Memories came to both Naruto and Sasuke, memories of (Y/n). They saw her smiling, they saw her on the bridge, flying. They saw her crumpled form on the bridge with Zabuza and Haku, back when they thought she was dead. They saw her eating ramen in gluttonous amounts, and they saw her zoned out look during boring training sessions. They both remember kissing her soft, sweet lips. The lips they could never, ever kiss again. They see her (h/l) (h/c) hair, glistening with sweat after a tough mission. They see her fight with the girl after the Forest of Death. They see her arguing with Gaara, her 'brother'. They see her piercing (e/c) eyes, which had always seemed as if they could see straight through them. And none of it, not one single thing, they would ever see again. That thought was too much to bear. A huge weight was crushing both of them. They were slowly being crushed, in the most painful way possible. In the end, no one won. It was a draw. (Y/n)'s heart was never won over by either Naruto or Sasuke, but instead remaining in a confused state. All alone.
                                                                        It truly was the end. And she was gone.

       I'm so sorry I'm my gosh I just reread this chapter that I wrote like a year ago and....... ITS SO FRICKIN CRINGEY IM SO SORRY I MADE YOU READ THIS!!!!!! I don't know what was going though my mind when I wrote this crap last year.... just ew.... thanks for reading anyways though.. stay ritzy.


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