Chapter 14: The Forest of Death

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        Your eyes shot open. Today was the day of the second exam. 'Why do I have this... feeling... like something horrible is going to happen?' You wonder to yourself. Shrugging it off, you go get ready to leave. Once you do this, you head to where you were told to go.

        When you arrive, you see that all of Squad 7 is already there. You knew that you would be working alone, but you also knew it wasn't against the rules to work with them. You walk over to them, and called out a greeting. "Hey," You say. They reply back with greetings. "This place is creepy," Sakura says, shivering slightly. "It should, they don't call it the Forest of Death for nothing," Anko replies back. "Pretty soon you'll find out why." Naruto mimics her voice and actions in a ridiculous way, causing you to laugh, then quickly shut up. Anko throws kunai at Naruto, and it makes a small cut on his cheek. "Tough guys like you usually leave their blood all over this forest." Anko says, causing Naruto to look scared. Some strange looking ninja suddenly comes up behind him, with his tongue holding a kunai. "I was just returning this to you.." He... or maybe she says. You couldn't tell if they were male or female. They scoot away from Naruto and Anko. Naruto stares off after the strange person, moving his tongue all around his face, probably seeing if he could do the same thing that the other guy had done. You laugh.

        Anko hands out a consent form, so that if something were to happen to someone, it would be their own fault, and not hers. She then starts explaining the rules,"This test will test you so that you must use all of your survival skills." She explains how the forest is set up, what's in it, ect. "Half of the 26 teams here will be trying to get the other scroll, so that they have both the Heaven and the Earth scroll. Each team will only have one scroll. Your entire squad must bring both scrolls to the tower, within 5 days. Oh, and I don't suggest looking inside of the scrolls." She explains how to turn in the consent forms for a scroll, then says,"One more word of advice, just don't die."

        You had already read the consent form, so you went and you received a Heaven scroll. You walk to a gate. You had gotten kind of lonely already. You shake your head, as if to clear away the loneliness. 'And you'd think that I would be used to this by now..' You sigh... 'Oh well.' The gate guard opens the lock on the gate, then awaits for Anko's signal. "The second part of the test... starts now!" She yells. You leap into the gate, vanishing within a split second. You keep a kunai in hand, just in case you get attacked. You can sense someone's chakra following you, so you jump up onto a high tree branch, and wait for whoever it was to make an appearance. Three ninja from the Hidden Mist village appear in the small clearing, trying to find your location. You smirk, knowing that they messed with the wrong person.

        You create a tornado with your wind style, causing them to drop the scroll. You swoop down like a descending angel, although not using your wings, and grab the scroll. 'Perfect, it's an Earth scroll!' They quickly get back up. "You all alone girl? Pity.. Looks like you won't be able to get saved." You scoff, then vanish. You appear behind him, holding a kunai against his throat. "It doesn't matter if I'm alone, or surrounded... I don't need help from others." You look at the other two ninja, who had barely even realized what you had done. "If you leave, I won't have to kill your little friend. Although, if you fight back..." You grin, probably looking like a psycho. "I would love to have a fight." The other two quickly run away, so you let the third one go. You smile. Both scrolls within 10 minutes of being in the forest. 'That was too easy. I wonder how Naruto's team is doing..'

        You hear fighting nearby, so you decide to head over to the source of it. You hide your chakra, then jump atop the tree branches, getting closer. When you arrive, you are surprised to see Naruto and Sasuke fighting each other. 'What the-' You jump in-between them, causing them to stop fighting. "What do you think you are doing? You're supposed to be working together, not fighting each other." You glare at them, but Sasuke says in reply,"He's a fake. The cut on his cheek is gone. He left to use the bathroom and when he came back, the cut on his cheek was gone." You look towards the fake Naruto, also noticing that the cut is gone. A man then appears, replacing the fake Naruto. "Looks like you got me. But before I suggest you to attack me, why don't you take a closer look at the girl?" Sakura and Sasuke look at you, while you just stare back at the man. "You probably haven't noticed, but she already has both the Heaven and the Earth scrolls. It would be so easy if... you just took them from her. Her team isn't around to help her." He tries to make his look persuasive, but you just giggle. They both look surprised that you had both scrolls already, but you knew that they wouldn't attack you. The man realizes this, and he charges.

        You step back, deciding not to let Sasuke and Sakura take care of him. You watch from a tree, then notice Naruto tied to the ground. You hop down and cut his rope with a kunai. "(y/n), what are you doing here?" Naruto asks. You shake your head, to say that it wasn't important, then look back towards the fight. The man had Sasuke pinned down with a kunai at his throat. Naruto throws a kunai just in time, so that Sasuke is able to get free. He activates his Sharingan, then stabs the man with a kunai. The man lands the fall on his feet, then runs away, jumping from branch to branch.

        "We need to make a password. Only something that the four of us would know. And we can't trust anyone who doesn't know it." Sasuke says. "Listen closely. I only want to say this once. The question will be: When does a ninja strike? The response should be: A ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." Naruto looks worried, and you know that there was no absolute way for him to remember the password. Suddenly, a kunai comes out from the bushes, hitting Naruto's other cheek.  Wind picks up, and dust appears all around. Three people appear. One of them says, "You two fan out into the woods... I'll handle this." The other two jump away, leaving the man out numbered four to one. Sakura walks toward you and Sasuke, and says the password correctly. Then Naruto walks up, and recites the password word for word. Sasuke immediately throws a kunai at him, while you and Sakura just watch him, dumbfounded. "He got the password right, Sasuke, word for word." You say. "The real Naruto would never remember that password. You'd have a better chance for a hamster to memorize it than for Naruto to remember it." You sweat drop. "Yeah... you're probably right about that." The fake Naruto disappears, turning into the guy from earlier with the long tongue. Sasuke glances at you, only to see your horror stricken face. "(y/n)?" He asks, sounding worried. It took a lot to make you scared. But as of now, you were terrified. You were shaking all over. You fell to your knees, trembling. "Ah... Yes.. Hello (y/n)." The man says. "N-no... p-p-please.. this.. can't be.. h-happening.." Sakura and Sasuke were starting to get scared from you reaction. "I-it's... it's him... it's.. the man who experiment on me."

        KWVAKA WALDNWONWWOB 1K READS YOU GUYS THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH YOU ALL DESERVE RAMEN!! Like, you are the ritziest people ever I'm hyperventilating right now!! >o< THANK you thank you soooo much you guys are the best people! Stay ritzy guys!
                                                                                                ~ Ziggy

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