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Pidge's POV
I wake up to someone banging on the apartment door. I slide into my slippers and walk, half awake, to the door. I open it and see Hunk with a worried expression on his face.
"Have you seen Lance? He's missing!" He panics. "He didn't come home last night and he still isn't back!"
"I'll help you look." I say as I grab my jacket from Lance.
Wait, Lance?
I turn around and see Lance smiling back."When did you get here?" I ask. He hands me a plate of pancakes and smiles.
"About 15 minutes ago." He pours syrup all over my plate. Hunk walks in a grabs a plate of the yummy breakfast and sits next to me. Keith walks out of his room rubbing his eyes but stops when he sees Lance. "Mornin sunshine!" Lance greets Keith. Keith just playfully punches lance's arm.
     "Knock it off." Lance hands him a plate of pancakes then turns the radio up. They seem to be getting along better...

     "So, Hunk, tell us about Shay." I beg eagerly. He smiles and sighs dreamily.
     "She's great, turns out she likes a lot of the same things I like, including eating!" He laughs. I look over at Keith and Lance and see them whispering but they stop when they notice me.
"Last night you two went into the bathroom together, what took you both so long?" I ask. They both look guilty as hell.
"Just doing guy things." Keith says with a nervous smile.
"I was taking a shit." Lance blurts out.
     "TMI Lance." I say while rolling my eyes. We sit listening to the radio in silence as we eat our delicious breakfast.

Keith's POV
     I help Lance clean up the breakfast dishes while Hunk and Pidge are out studying with Shay and Shiro. I scrub the dishes and Lance clears the counter off. Lance sets the dirty dishes next to the sink then wraps his arms around my waist. Butterflies fill my stomach as he lifts up my shirt from the front and touches my chest. I push his hands out from my shirt and turn around. He kisses the tip of my nose and I feel myself blush.
     "Go sweep the floor or something." I chuckle. "Let me do my dishes in peace."
     "Fine." He grunts. He struts over to the broom and dust pan and starts to sweep the floor. He sweeps over to me and kisses my cheek as he passes by. I smile and roll my eyes. I point to the end of the kitchen farthest away from me.
     "I saw some crumbs over there." I lie. He walks over and sees I'm bluffing.
     "Stop your lying boy!" He scolds me. I just laugh to myself. I glance over at the clock and see its 9:36.

     "Crud! My class starts at 10:45!" I curse as I rush to pack my things. Lance hands me my binder and I rush out of the dorm. I run down the hall and turn the corner. As I turn the corner I smack right into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I apologize.
     "No, it's my fault." The person replies. Their voice sounds very familiar. I look up and see who I collided with.

Fucking Victoria.
She's back! You all probably hate me now😈

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