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Lance's POV
     I roll my suitcase off the ship and onto the spacewalk; I look up at the huge building in front of me and smile. I'm finally here, I can't believe it! I've spent my whole life dreaming of this place and what it would be like, and now I'm here. I look around and see people on skateboards gliding across the front lawn of the school, out of the corner of my eye I see a group of girls staring at me. I smile at them and they all squeal with delight. I press the button on the handle of my suitcase and watch as it turns into a backpack; I grab it and throw it over my shoulders. I look around one last time before approaching the group of girls.

     "Uh, hi! I'm kinda lost and I was wondering if you girls could help me find my dorm room?" I ask them as I rub my hand on the back of my neck nervously. Two of the four girls stare blankly at me with faint smiles on their faces while the other two help me.
     "Oh! We can walk you there!" The girl in the green dress says to me as she links her arm with mine. The other girl who's wearing a crop top grabs my other arm forcefully.
     "I'll come with!" She exclaims. I smile, trying to be polite and follow the girls to my dorm.

     Once there I thank the girls and knock on the door. The metal door slides open and a boy who looks my age stands in the doorway. The boy is about the same height as me but a little heavier; he has dark skin and a bright orange bandana wrapped around his forehead. He holds out his hand.
"You must be Lance! I'm Hunk, your roommate and this is our dorm." He says holding his arm out, gesturing toward the small apartment. I walk in and scope out my new home. It's big enough for two people; two beds, a kitchen, one bathroom and a small living room with a blue futon. I set my backpack down on the kitchen ledge and pull out my grey and black headphones.

"I'm gonna go check this place out, it was nice meeting you." I shout to Hunk as I walk out into the hallway. A couple girls pass me by and smile; being the flirt I am I wink back at them. I continue down the hallway and into the elevator. I click the button that reads lobby then turn up the volume on my phone. I pull the hood of my jacket over my head and let it cover my face; finally the elevator doors open and I walk into the packed lobby. Girls and boys of all shapes, sizes and races rush past me. I look around and see an open spot near the fire place; I walk over and sit on the leather couch, allowing by back to sink into the soft furniture. I lean my head back and close my eyes. My body starts to relax and I feel peaceful for the first time in weeks.

Until a shadow falls over my face.

I open my eyes and see a brown haired boy with glasses staring down at me. Startled I fly forward, smashing my forehead into his. We both grab our heads and look at each other in pain.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" He apologizes. He taps the part of his head where we collided and winces.
"It's okay, are you alright?" I ask. He shakes his head. I walk over to him and hold out my hand. "I'm lance." He looks up at me and weakly smiles.
After twenty minutes of talking I found out Pidge's dorm is right across the hall from mine. It's only the first day and I already made two new friends...

Aye first chapter! Tell me how you like the story so far in the comments or simply by hitting the vote button below!

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