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Keith's POV
     I wake up wrapped in the linen sheets with my window open. I stand up and pull on a black shirt and jeans then walk downstairs to eat breakfast. Everyone except Lance is sitting at a table eating. I grab a coffee and sit down with everyone. "Where's Lance?" I ask. Pidge looks from Shiro to me with a concerned look.
     "He went back to the hospital to see Victoria." The answer feels like a kick to the stomach. I sit and look down at my hands.
     "Oh. Okay." Pidge slides a plate of pancakes toward me. I shake my head. "Not hungry." I stand up and head back to my room; I grab a jacket and head downtown to the cafe where me and Gavin met. I order a coffee and sit down at a window seat. A waitress hands me a newspaper and blushes at me. I smile back and thank her. I read the headline: School Fire. I start to read the caption, The fire was set blah blah blah, Only one hurt. 19 year old Victoria Beecham was sent to the hospital with her boyfriend last night and has been in recovery all afternoon. "Boyfriend?!" I say out loud. Everyone in the cafe looks at me. I crumple the paper and toss it in the trash. I finish my coffee and storm out of the cafe. Now I'm pissed.

Lance's POV
Victoria is holding my hand as the doctor tells her the news. "You can leave in a couple hours after we check over everything and fill out your paper work." Victoria looks relieved.
"So I'm all fine?" She asks. The doctor nods her head.
"Yep! Full recovery!" After the Doctor leaves Victoria hugs me and I hug back. I feel her tears drip onto my shoulder. I look at her and she smiles. Why does she look gorgeous when she cries? I shake the thought from my head, this is why Keith is mad at me. We make eye contact and Victoria blinks away a tear. She leans in and I find myself leaning in too.

We Kiss.

We pull away and Victoria gasps and covers her mouth. I turn around and see Keith in the doorway. He shakes his head and walks away. I chase after him.
"Keith! It's not what it looks like!" He turns around, now walking backwards, and sticks both his middle fingers up at me.
"You're such a fucking liar!" He yells then disappears into the street.
Ooooohhhh buddyyyyyyyy. Do you guys wanna follow me on Instagram???

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