Control (A short Mac Story -3-)

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"Please," she begged him, whispering. "Please just stop."
"Why?" Mac wanted to know. "I can feel you. You're doing just fine." he watched as her body responded to his rhythmic finger thrusting.
She was incredibly wet, what the fuck he wouldn't give to have his cock pound into her.
"Mac!" she moaned his name.
"You like this, don't you?" he asked.
Kayla didn't answer, she had closed her eyes, lost in a feeling she never thought she would ever feel again. Wanted to hold onto it. Savor it.  His fingers knew how to stroke her just right. She felt his breath at her neck.
"I asked you a question." he licked her neck. "Answer me. Open your eyes, Little Girl. I want you to look at me."
She snapped her eyes open, Mac's eyes burning into hers. "Yes," she said softly.
He grinned slyly at her. "Never thought someone could make you feel like this again? Huh?" he bent his head, circling a nipple with his tounge, flicking it, matching his thrusts inside her.
"Mac," she was lost in his touch, he could be brutal, but right now, oh God, right now he was making her feel.
He licked his way down her body, casting his eyes up to her. "You know what's coming, right? I want you to watch me." his tone was not to be trifled with.
He removed his fingers, "Open your mouth." he commanded. She did as she was told. He put his fingers in her mouth, "Taste yourself," he said.
She licked a finger, running her tongue against it. Her tongue was nice and slow. Fuck me, he thought. Fuck her and that tongue.
It was like she knew his thoughts. She locked eyes with him, as she curled her lips around his fingers, sucking her taste from them.
"That mouth of yours is going to get you in so much fucking trouble," he stared at her mouth, watching her suck, wanting to replace his fingers with his cock.
Instead, he dropped low, cradling her ass in his hands.
Christ. Even her ass was the perfect fit for his hands.
She sucked in a breath. She knew exacly what was coming. Where he was going. What he wanted to do.
She was scared. He'd probably recoil from her. That would devastate her. How could she let this happen? She already had lost the battle against his touch. She didn't want to waste whatever energy she had in fighting him. She was going to lose, anyway. It was a lost cause. A fight she knew she wouldn't win.
He looked at her. She had worn herself out. Her eyes watched him. He couldn't read her. She had done well in masking her emotions. Until he touched her. He could bet no one else had come as close as he was with her right now. She wouldn't have let them. She would've probably killed them if they tried. There was a definite anger in her. Mixed with hurt and apathy. It could be a volatile combination. He could already sense it in her.
He gave her a shit-eating grin. He was going to find out her secrets. He tongued her bellybutton, giving her a preview of what was to come. Tugged on the navel ring, again. He gave a grunt when he felt her hand come down to his head, stroking his hair, pushing him down lower.
He licked her. Licked her entrance. Licked every scar, every piece of raised flesh. He glanced up at her.
"Mac." it's all she said. Her tone was wistful. It held longing.
He groaned, pushing his tongue inside her. "Oh, God!" she panted, bucking her hips, reaching down, holding his head with her hands.
He found her clit. From what he could feel, the bastard hadn't ruined that for her. He licked it, sucked it, blew on it. She was in a frenzy. He wanted her to know she could still enjoy carnal pleasures. He was going to make damn sure of it.
He felt her tighten, knew her release was going to be soon. It hadn't taken long. Normally, he would have been happy with that, but right now, he would have gladly kept going.
He moved, slamming his tongue in her mouth, while she gave a strangled cry, clamping her legs around his hips, pulling them down.
His cock wasn't inside her. He knew she wasn't ready for that, yet. But, the minute his dick touched her cunt, her wetness, he exploded, cumming all over her.
"Fuck!" he collapsed on top of her.
Her breathing was labored, he heard her choked sobs. "I brought you to the brink," he murmured against her chest. "You're not ready for a release." he looked at her, his eyes were blazing. "When you are, you'll know. And I'm the one who will bring it out of you." He got up from her, looking down at himself. "I'm a fucking mess because of you." he wouldn't tell her he liked it. She'd figure it out for herself. The animal instincts she brought out of him were a welcome change.
Others  just wanted to brag they had a night with the Monster Mac. He, of course, obliged. Sex was sex. They wanted it, he wanted it. Nothing wrong with that. He'd give, and then take. Safe words were not a part of his vocabulary.
If you wanted him, you took whatever he dished out. No questions asked.
She was different. He had to tred somewhat lightly. Sex with her would be dirty. Nasty. It would hurt. There would be blood. Pain.
Fuck. It would feel fucking right.
He extended his hand to her. No hesitation as she took it, though her hand was shaking. He pulled her up roughly, stumbling against him. He ran a rough hand through her hair.
"Get yourself cleaned up. I don't want your blood in my truck." he looked at her naked body. Probably a big mistake on his part. "Don't want your fluids, either." his tone was hoarse. "Get dressed." he located her bra, throwing it at her. He found the ripped panties, hanging them from the jutted piece of rock she had stabbed her hand on before. He traced the blood splatter on the wall, knowing it was hers.
He didn't watch her as she got herself together. Gave her a little decency, even though he had already violated the wall she had put up around herself.
He heard her stomping the dying embers of the fire pit. She bent down, picking up his knife, retrieving the bottle of whiskey.
She felt his eyes on her.
They couldn't look away from one another. She averted her eyes from him, narrowing at the ruined panties hanging by the rock, her blood on the wall beside them. She gave a small laugh, throwing a smirk at him, shaking her head.
She could recover in minutes. He noted. Cold Kayla is who he needed to watch for. Controlled Kayla...he could work with.
He wanted both sides of her.
He leaned against the cave wall as she walked over to him, the knife glistening in her hand. She stood near him, looking at him. She pointed the knife downward, the handle extended to him.
There was a moment there between them. That one gesture. She trusted him. He took it from her with a nod. "Where are you taking me?" she asked.
"You're coming home with me tonight. Need to keep my eyes on you." it was somewhat the truth. He also needed to learn more about her. He wanted her near.
"My truck's here." she said.
"Leave it. No one will dare touch it out here." he answered. "Are you staying anywhere?"
"Checking in and out of different places." she shrugged.
"Why?" he crossed his hands over his chest.
She leveled her eyes at him. "In case I have to leave." she said in a clipped tone.
He chuckled. "That changes tonight. You're not going anywhere."
He strode out of the cave, grabbing her by the arm, dragging her with him. He loosened his grip once he knew she was indeed following him, not trying to break away from him.
They made it to his truck. He looked at the black truck he had parked next to. It didn't register when he had first got there. That's how he had known someone was still there in his cave.
The truck was vaguely familiar. He just couldn't place it. He watched as she unlocked it, grabbing two duffle bags from the back.
He laughed to himself. She was still a girl, afterall. Fucking bitches. Always over-packing.
She threw them into his cab, and climbed into his passenger side, beeping her truck closed.
"Ready?" he asked.
She nodded.
"You're going to have to get used to fucking using your words to answer me." he said.
"You're going to have to get used to fucking nods and shakes." she shot back.
He rested his head back on his seat, and just smiled. "No fight in coming back with me?" he eventually broke the silence. He chewed his nail. "Guess you like me, huh?" he glanced at her.
She looked at him. "Don't flatter yourself. I just need you." she answered.
He grabbed her, pulling her to him. "Yeah. You do need me. Possibly in more than one way." he rubbed her pussy through her jeans. "Remember this need? I illicited that need from you. Made you want it again."
She dug her nails into his hand. "Fucking stop." she said in a low voice.
He grabbed his hand back. "You like to make me bleed." he laughed, looking at the puncture wounds she had made. His eyes darkened. He made a motion to smack her across the face, stopping an inch away.
She didn't even flinch. Instead, she grabbed his hand, licking the blood from it.
"Why do you test me?" she asked him.
"I don't know you. You intrigue me." he answered. "I need to know you." he looked at her. "I want to know you."
She understood his meaning.
She stared out the window, not speaking. "Rick told me to look for you." she finally said.
He felt his stomach drop. "What?" he heard her, just couldn't process the words.
Rick. His best friend. The one who took the fall for him when the unexpected bodies showed up at the bottom of the canyon.
The truck.
Fuck! It was Rick's truck. He had bought it before they put him away. How the fuck did this hot little number know Rick?
She was looking at him. "He's my step-brother." she explained.
Again, he marveled at how she knew what he was thinking.
"He never mentioned you." he said.
She laughed. "Do you blame him? Your reputation and all? He didn't want you anywhere near me." she shot him a genuine smile.
He finally saw one small part of who Kayla really was.
"Huh." he gave her a sideways glance. "Well, guess that was proven true tonight." he laughed. "Fucking Rick!" he hit the steering wheel, still laughing. He looked over. "So. You know the truth from that night?" he asked.
She gave him a mischievous smile. "I really have no idea what you're talking about." she looked out the window again.
"How is he?" Mac asked. "I can't really see him..." he trailed off.
"He knows. He understands. He's fine." she answered. She laughed. "Our first real conversation. About my step-brother." she shook her head.
He liked her laugh. Liked the genuine smile on her face. "Well, now I really do need to help you." he said.

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