Control (A short Mac Story -13-)

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Mac's eyes narrowed. "Oh, yeah?" he sipped his own beer slowly. "She likes it a little rough, too." he wanted to see how far he could go with him.
"Fuck, man! You have the complete package, huh? Alec! We need more shots!" Declan was beginning to slur just a little.
"Yeah, I guess I do have the complete package." Mac agreed. "But, you have me curious. Tell me more about that girl." he nodded towards the picture of Kayla.
"Moretti?" Declan had a far away look in his eyes.
Mac knew the rohypnol he had poured in the beer was starting to take effect.
"Yeah. I wanna know more about Kayla Moretti." Mac caressed her name, damning himself for not even asking her for it. Dammit. He never needed to know anyone's last name until she came along.
"She was smart as a whip. Hot as fuck, but you can tell from the picture, right?" he snorted a laugh. "I was her Superior. Wanted to get to know her better, if you know what I mean." he gave Mac a wink. "Well, we did get to know each other better. A lot better. Had that bitch move in with me. Recruited her as my partner. But, with that, I had cerain rules."
"Rules?" Mac questioned, signaling for another round.
"You live with me, I expect certain...perks, shall we say? Expected her to dress a certain way for me when she got home. She had a bangin' body. Always got me hard." he downed the rest of the beer. "But then, we'd go out, and her skirts got shorter, dresses, tighter."
Mac narrowed his eyes at Declan. "It's what you wanted, though." he said. "Didn't you?"
"Yes, for me. Not for the other cock suckers out there. She was a fucking dick magnet, man. But I had power over her. I liked to exert that power on her. Loved showing her who was boss. I did love seeing the attention she got...but made her pay the price when we got home. No one ever asked her where her bruises came from. No one dared." he laughed. "But then I saw they started looking at me differently. Wondered if she had started running her mouth." he downed another shot. "Goddamn Chief had fucking called me into his office, spewing lines about me possibly having fucking anger management issues."
Mac was able to dose another beer without Declan noticing. The words coming easily out of Declan's mouth without provocation.
He went on. "She told me she was two months pregnant." the far away look was back. "Had on my favorite dress that night." he looked at Mac. "I couldn't have a kid, man. Shit. She had no idea I was fucking other tail on the side." he ran a hand through his hair, wiping the sweat appearing on his forehead. "I had just put away her fucking murderous, delinquent brother. Fucking lunatic from Red Canyon. That sick fuck still has another half out there on the loose. Fucking inbred bastards."
Mac's fist was clenching. He was trying to control his breathing.
"I couldn't let anyone know she was that asshole's step sister. Couldn't have her have our kid, adding to her psychotic family. And the fuck I wanted ANY fucking brat! I had to get rid of her, somehow. Get rid of It." he gulped the beer. "And we cops, we know how to get that done. Make them disappear."
Mac slowly smiled. The effects were kicking in faster than normal. Then again, he had given him quite the dose. He laughed silently to himself.
"Broke two beer bottles inside her.
Slammed her on the floor. Against the wall. I fucking raped her ass, made her fucking bleed everywhere. Destroyed her insides. Tore her apart. I know I killed our baby, throwing her around the way I did. Abusing the living fuck outta her. Left her for fucking dead, bleeding out by a dumpster in another county."
He finished his beer. "Don't know if the Goddamn slut is even still alive. Don't really fucking care." he shrugged, reaching for another shot. He laughed before knocking it back. "I come here, look at that picture sometimes. Then go to the jon and fucking rub one out to her."
Mac got up, having heard enough. The fire in his eyes had begun. He stood in back of him, his voice dangerous, hissing in Declan's ear. "You don't care, huh?" he placed a strong hand on the fucker's shoulder, squeezing hard. "See, thing is, Declan, someone cut my baby up real good. Thought no one would want her. Wouldn't want to touch her." he laughed. "But, I did want her. DO want her. I fucking have her. Need that girl in my fucking depraved, 'inbred' maniacal life, Declan. She's the best fucking pussy I've ever had. Only pussy I ever want to have. She ain't no lost little pussy anymore. Not scared or weak. I told my girl I was gonna find the mother fucking prick who did that to her. Was gonna make him pay." he laughed a vicious laugh. He turned Declan's face to look at Kayla's picture. "That's my fucking girl, right there." he patted him on the back.
Declan's face started turning white. Mac got a little closer to him. "Wanna know what my girl said?" Mac grabbed him by the back of the neck, making him nod his head. "She told me she wanted me to bring you home to Red Canyon to play." he spoke right into his ear, in a deadly whisper. "Kayla can't wait to see you again, motherfucker. Me? I just want to gut you alive. Tear your intestines out, wrap them around your neck and choke you with them. But I promised to keep you alive just for her."
Declan stared at Mac, the second dose rendering him unable to think clearly. Unable to fully move.
"We're going for a little ride, Declan. You and me. You're going to tell your little friend Lexie good-bye. You make one fucking move for help or arouse any suspicion, I won't hesitate to fucking rip your guts out, and end you. Do you fucking understand me?" Mac seethed.
All Declan could do was nod.
Mac gave him a sadistic grin. "C'mon. We have a date with MY girl. She's dying to see you. And I can't wait to see what she has planned for you."

"Mac?" Kayla sounded breathless on the other end of the line, answering her cell on the first ring. She was holding the phone in a death grip, her knuckles turning white.
Mac laughed. "Yeah, baby. It's me. Were you worried?" the thought made him smile. "I told you not to worry about me, Little Girl."
She didn't answer, remaining silent. Mac could hear her breathing slowing down. "I have him, baby. He's coming home to you."
"I want YOU to come home to me," she whispered.
"I am, Kayla. I am." he watched Declan again. He chose his next words carefully. "Kayla, you could have told me. Could have told me about the baby." he heard a small sob coming from her. "It's not enough to tell you how sorry I am, Kayla." his voice was soft. "There are no words." he trailed off. "It took everything, Kayla. Everything I had not to snap his neck. Hurting you...wanting to destroy you and the life you had inside you because he didn't want it-"
"What?" she cut him off, a strangled whisper escaping her.
He knew this is what she needed to hear. This was her motivation. "He didn't want the baby, Kayla. He was willing to kill you just to make sure you lost the baby." his voice dropped lower. "I wanted to kill him myself after he told me that."
She didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just listened to the sound of her light breathing on the other end of the line. She finally spoke, her words excited him. "Do you have your blue coveralls?" her voice was steady, eerily controlled.
"In my bag." he answered. "Was going to change at the cave." a smile started to form on his features.
"I want to see his blood on them, Mac." she said.
"Oh, you will, Little Girl. I can promise you that." he smirked.
"I want him, Mac."
Mac laughed. "You're ready, Little Girl." Mac braced himself. "I love you, Kayla Moretti."
He heard her breathe in, but she didn't respond. "I'll be at the cave shortly." he hurried on. He heard the line go dead, knowing she needed time to process.
She had to know how he felt. He had no regrets saying it. She needed more fuel to add to the fire already raging inside her. He smiled to himself. His girl was more than ready.

Mac half dragged/half carried Declan into the mouth of the cave. He had left Declan in a heap on the cave floor.
He had changed into his blue 'work uniform' as he called it, knowing Kayla wanted to see him wearing it. He smiled as he put it on; a dark smile. He couldn't deny her that simple request.
He spotted Kayla's surgical bag there in a corner of the cave; an unopened bottle of whiskey sitting beside it. He grinned. She had been there. He retrieved it, opening the bottle, taking a long swig from it. He wondered where she was. Wanted to see her.
He looked over at the hook he had mounted from a section of the cave's ceiling. He noticed his gas mask hanging from the metal hook.
He walked over, removing it, finding a note tucked inside.

<Start without me. I'm watching. I need to watch you, first. Show me how. Show me what to do.
Mac, I love you, too. K.>

He laughed, looking around the inside of the cave. "You got it, baby." he said out loud, taking the switchblade she had also left for him in the mask. The switchblade he had used on her their first night together. "You're something else, Kayla." he shook his head in amusement.
He hoisted Declan up, still passed out from the cocktail of rohypnol and alcohol in his system.
Mac surveyed his options. He could straight up hang him by the skin of his neck or the skin from the middle of his shoulder blades.
Or, he could keep it simple, and hang him by the neck of his shirt. Knowing if he fell, the thrill of catching him and making him suffer again and again on the ground appealing to Mac so much more.
What appealed to him even more was he and Kayla doing it together.
"Jesus, baby." he said. "Hope you can see how fucking hard I am knowing what we're -what you're- going to do."
He hoisted Declan up by the base of his shirt catching it on the hook. He yanked up on the chain, elevating him a little higher.
Mac grabbed the bottle of whiskey and his cigarettes, sitting himself down on a rock, looking up at Declan. He half put the mask on, resting it on his head.
He lit a cigarette, taking a few swigs from the bottle, cocking his head, looking at Declan thoughtfully, his dark smile lighting up his face, flicking the switchblade open.
He drank a little more, getting up, his cigarette resting between his lips. He walked over to Declan, grabbing his shirt, ripping it open.
The motion didn't wake him. Mac took the cigarette from betwen his lips, lowering the mask down to his face. "Here we go, baby." he called out, wearing an evil smirk.

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